出版时间:2010-2 出版社:中国轻工业出版社 作者:许向宏 页数:114
Unit 1 印刷公司的结构Unit 2 订单Unit 3 核价单Unit 4 施工单Unit 5 Photoshop,Illustrator,IndesignUnit 6 计算机直接控制版Unit 7 输出到网络Unit 8 胶印机Unit 9 印刷工艺Unit 10 印后加工Unit 11 德鲁巴印刷展Unit 12 工作词汇表参考文献附:国际音标四十八个音素发音图解及发音方法
For example, our manager once wanted150 briefing packages to the members atthe meeting next morning. It was iust athree-page price list. I rushed to a localprint shop and copied the pages.Jim. It saved time.Dave. And a customer once wanted 300, 000full-color brochures in three months. Ourmanager designed the piece. The final de-sign involved four-color process photo-graphs. Undercolor removal (UCR) is used to enhance the ima-ges. An 80-pound coated offset paper is the base. A separate varnishcoat is added to each photo during printing to make the image appearto "jump off the page" . The fold lines are prescored for especiallycrisp edges.Jim: They both have specific context, focused use, and limits, and they were judged successfully.