出版时间:2005-11 出版社:中国经济出版社 作者:刘世敏 页数:253 字数:100000
This book is concerned with organizational learning in an intercultural context. It looks at what organizational learning entails in Chinese-Western joint ventures by examining both the technical and the social perspectives to learning.An integrated approach is offered that explores the possibility for mutual/collaborative learning in Chinese-Western joint ventures.This approach incorporates a relational perspective that emphasizes the ways in which people make sense of their experience.It seeks to bring to the surface different layers of knowledge and meaning created and recreated in the process of learning and change.
IntroductionPART One 1 Key Concepts and Ideas of Organizational Learning 2 The Politics of Learning and Organizing 3 Dialogue and LearningPART Two 4 Organizational Learning in International Joint Ventures 5 The Intercultrual Context of Learning 6 The Process of Learning in Chinese-Western Joint Ventures 7 Examples of Learning and Partner Relationships 8 Leaning and Partner RealationshipsPART Three 9 Overveiw of Key Dimensions of Learning in Chinese-Western Joint Ventures 10 An Integrated Approach to LearningPostscriptAppendix 1 Notes on Reasearch Methodology and Participating JVs 2 Some Background Information on Joint Ventures in China 3 Refence