
出版时间:2004-1  出版社:中国经济出版社  作者:于大羽  页数:361  字数:425000  


这是一本专门为中国学生编写的英语阅读教学用书。该书系统介绍了英语阅读的基本技巧,并围绕各种技巧设计了一系列专项阅读技能训练,从词汇、语境、句子、段落、篇章、应试方法等不同层面,全面提升学员的英语阅读能力。通过本教程系统、科学的强化训练,学员的英语阅读水平可在较短时间内得到大幅度提高。 本书全文用英文写成,目的是让读者最大限度地沉浸在英语语境之中,“在英语阅读中学习英语阅读”,实践证明这是提高英语阅读能力的有效方法。本书语言通俗易懂,并经由美籍专家Dr.Paul D.Young逐词审定,原汁原味。 本教程除了对学员的英语阅读基本技能进行强化训练之外,还对大学英语四、六级考试阅读部分的命题规律和应对策略进行了分析点评,对部分真题作了精辟的讲解,能够有效地帮助学员通过大学英语四、六级考试。 本书从1998年开始,以讲义的形式在首都师范大学和北京部分高校内使用,受到学生欢迎,现经过补充修改,内容更加充实和完善。 本教程适合我国大专院校一年级或二年级开设英语阅读课使用,也可作为四、六级英语阅读强化班的培训教材,同时也适合参加托福、GRE、雅思、考研等各种英语考试的广大考生学习使用。


Chapter 1  Refine Your Reading Style  1.1 Some Misconceptions about Efficient Reading  1.2 Some Techniques to Help Refine Your Reading Style  1.3 Reading Style Flexibility    1. Intensive Reading and Extensive Reading    2. Skimming, Scanning, and Study Reading  Answer KeyChapter 2  Rapid Word and Phrase Recognition——Additional Drills on Skimming and Scanning  2.1 Rapid Visual Perception of Words  2.2 Rapid Visual Perception of Phrases  2.3 Rapid Word Meaning RecognitionChapter 3  Context  3.1 Using Context Clues for Word Meanings  3.2 Context Clues: Direct Definition and Explanation  3.3 Context Clues: General Sense of the Sentence  3.4 Context Clues: Contrast  3.5 Putting Context Clues to Work  Answer KeyChapter 4  Word Parts  4.1 The Structure of English Words  4.2 Prefixes  4.3 Word Roots  4.4 Suffixes  4.5 Comprehensive Exercises  Answer KeyChapter 5  Reading Sentences   5.1 Core Parts of a Sentence   5.2 Multiple Subjects and Verbs   5.3 Finding More Than One Essential Thought   5.4 Finding the More Important Thought   5.5 Reading Punctuation   Answer KeyChapter 6  Reading Paragraphs   6.1 Structure of a Paragraph   6.2 Learn to Recognize the Elements   6.3 Finding Topics   6.4 From Topic to Main Idea   6.5 Locating the Topic Sentence   6.6 Two-Step Topic Sentences   6.7 Locating Supporting Details   6.8 Locating Implied Main Ideas  Answer KeyChapter 7  Recognizing Patterns of Organization  7.1 The pattern of Organization  7.2 Simple Listing Pattern  7.3 Sequence Pattern  7.4 Compare and Contrast Pattern  7.5 Cause and Effect Pattern  7.6 Four Patterns of Organization  7.7 Mixed Patterns of Organization  Answer KeyChapter 8  Reading Longer Selections  Moving Beyond the Paragraph  Exercise 1  Exercise 2  Exercise 3Chapter 9  Test-Taking Strategies for Reading Comprehension  Chapter 10  Reading PracticeAcknowledgments



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