
出版时间:2000  出版社:斯克蘭頓大學出版社  译者:綠山之內 約瑟夫 L .奎因  


聽海的聲音:墮落的日本學生的著作(Kike Wadatsumi沒有Koe)
Compiled by Nihon Senbotsu Gakusei Kinen-Kai (Japan Memorial Society for the Students Killed in the War—Wadatsumi Society)日本Senbotsu Gakusei紀念賽凱(日本紀念協會為在戰爭 Wadatsumi協會中喪生的學生編)
Translated by Midori Yamanouchi and Joseph L. Quinn翻譯由綠山之內和約瑟夫 L ·奎因
University of Scranton Press, 2000, 344 pages斯克蘭頓大學出版社,2000年,344頁
Some Japanese student soldiers who wrote the letters, diaries, and poems included in this book entered the military upon graduation from elite universities, but many soldiers had their university studies cut short when in late 1943 the government eliminated the deferral of military service for students other than those in selected fields such as engineering and natural sciences.士兵們寫的信件,日記,並在這本書中包含的詩,一些日本學生從名牌大學畢業後進入軍隊,但許多士兵大學學業剪短時,政府在1943年底取消了學生其他兵役延期比,如工程和自然科學領域。 The Japanese book entitled Kike Wadatsumi no Koe (Listen to the Voices from the Sea), first published in 1949, had as its goal the promotion of peace so as to never repeat the tragedy of war.日本的書,書名Kike Wadatsumi沒有Koe(聽海的聲音),於1949年首次出版,促進和平作為自己的奮鬥目標,以永不重複戰爭的悲劇。 The committee that published the 1949 version of the book writes in the postscript of the "desperate voices that fill this entire book, the voices of those very finest of young men, whose eyes were shielded from the sight of the truth, who were abused, tyrannized, and killed" (p. 301). Listen to the Voices from the Sea is an English translation of the 1995 version of Kike Wadatsumi no Koe , with the first English translation ( The Sun Goes Down published in 1956) being based on the 1949 version of the book.委員會,出版這本書 1949年版“絕望的聲音,填補了這一整本書後記中寫道,這些最優秀的年輕男子,他的眼睛看到的真相,被濫用的聲音被屏蔽的, tyrannized,封殺“(第301頁),聽海的聲音是Kike Wadatsumi沒有Koe 1995年版的第一個英文翻譯(英語翻譯,太陽下山的基礎在1956年出版) 1949年版的書。
Kike Wadatsumi no Koe became an instant success, with about a quarter million copies being sold in a short time after its publication in 1949 (p. 308). Kike Wadatsumi沒有Koe成為一個急功近利,出版後,在很短的時間在1949年(第308頁)被售出約25萬拷貝。 After many reprintings and a revised edition in 1959, over one and a half million copies had been sold through 1982 (p. 317).許多 reprintings和在1959年修訂版後,超過一年半萬份已售出到1982年(第317頁)。 The book also was made into a successful commercial movie in 1950, and there was also a remake of the film in 1995 at the fifty-year anniversary of the end of World War II.書中還提出在1950年成為一個成功的商業電影,也有在1995年重拍的電影,在二戰結束五十週年。 Dower (1999, 199) argues that the letters in Kike Wadatsumi no Koe came close to imagery promoted by the wartime militarists even though the editors had no such intention:道爾(1999年,199)認為,Kike Wadatsumi沒有Koe的信件來到接近戰時軍國主義促進圖像編輯,即使沒有這樣的打算:
These were pure young men.這是純粹的年輕男子。 Their deaths were noble.他們的死亡是高尚的。 They could not be faulted, certainly not criticized, for having offered no resistance to militarism.他們可以不出現故障,絕對不是批評,有沒有反抗軍國主義。 It was their deaths, rather than the deaths of those they might have killed, that commanded attention and were truly tragic.這是他們的死亡,而不是那些他們可能已經喪生,吩咐注意和真正悲慘的死亡。 Indeed, there were no non-Japanese victims in this hermetic vision of the war.事實上,在這戰爭的密封設想沒有非日本的受害者。 It was, moreover—and here the class bias of the academic compilers revealed itself—their literacy, their status as elite university students, that made these young men's deaths so worth noting.它,此外,這裡的階級偏見的學術編譯器發現本身的自身素養,他們作為精英大學的學生地位,使這些年輕的男子死亡,因此值得注意。 They were selected as figures to mourn because they wrote so well, but also because it was easy to imagine them as the future leaders of Japan.他們被選為數字來悼念,因為他們寫的這麼好,而且還因為它是日本未來的領導人,他們想像的那樣容易。
Midori Yamanouchi, Professor of Sociology at the University of Scranton and co-translator of this book, took on the project of translating these letters "to give a human face to each of those fallen college/university students" and to show that special attack forces members were not "mindless, robot-like figures, who simply followed orders and died" (pp. vii-viii).綠山之內,在斯克蘭頓大學和共同翻譯這本書的社會學教授,翻譯這些信件“給每個那些倒下的學院 /大學學生”一個人臉,並顯示特殊攻擊力量的項目成員不動腦子,像機器人一樣的人物,他只是追隨訂單和死亡“(第VII - VIII)。 Yamanouchi performed the initial translation of this book into English.山之內進行初步翻譯成英文,這本書的。 Joseph Quinn, Professor of English at the same university, then rewrote the draft, and Yamanouchi reviewed the changes to ensure accuracy with the original meaning in Japanese.約瑟夫奎因,在同一所大學的英語教授,然後重寫草案,山之審查,以確保與在日本的本義的準確性。 This thorough process resulted in an excellent translation of the original Japanese writings.這種透徹的過程導致一個優秀的翻譯原日本著作。 The book's Acknowledgments section incorrectly states that Kike Wadatsumi no Koe had not been translated to English before (p. viii), since The Sun Goes Down , published in 1956, is an English translation of the same Japanese book.這本書的致謝部分錯誤地指出,Kike Wadatsumi沒有Koe沒有被翻譯到英國之前(第8頁),因為太陽下山 ,於1956年出版,是一個相同的日本書的英文翻譯。
Listen to the Voices from the Sea includes writings from young soldiers throughout the war and after Japan's defeat, with the earliest writing dated in 1938 and the latest in 1947. 聽海的聲音 ,包括年輕士兵的著作,最早寫於1938年在整個戰爭期間,日本戰敗後,在1947年最新。 The book divides the posthumous manuscripts of the fallen students into three parts: (1) During the War Between Japan and China, (2) The Period of the Asian-Pacific War, and (3) Losing the War.這本書分為追授手稿倒下的學生分為三個部分:(1)在日本和中國之間的戰爭,(2)亞洲太平洋戰爭時期,和(3)輸掉戰爭。 Members of special attack corps wrote about one fifth of the letters in the book, but about half of these writings are dated before they entered the military or before they entered the special attack corps.特殊攻擊隊伍成員寫在書中字母的五分之一,但這些著作中,約一半的日期之前,他們進入了軍事或之前,他們進入了特殊攻擊隊伍。
The letters of many soldiers, not just members of kamikaze special attack corps, are filled with reflections on death, as they realized that returning home alive was highly unlikely.許多士兵的字母,不只是神風特別攻擊隊的成員,充滿了對死亡的反射,因為他們意識到返回活著回家是不大可能的。 The writings reflect the young men's great love of learning, and many men complain that they no longer have time to read books and reflect on them since military life demands all their time and energy.的著作反映了學習的青年男子的偉大的愛,和許多男人抱怨,他們不再有時間閱讀書籍和反映他們的軍事生活的需求,因為所有的時間和精力。 Several soldiers mention the brutality of the beatings received from superiors for even trivial mistakes.有幾個士兵提的殘暴毆打甚至是微不足道的失誤,從上級收到。
Very few letters deal with romantic love with a spouse or girlfriend, but many young soldiers express their affection to family members, especially their mothers.很少有信件處理與配偶或女朋友的浪漫愛情,但許多年輕的士兵家庭成員,尤其是他們的母親表達他們的感情。 The last letter of Ryoji Uehara, a kamikaze pilot, contains the clue on how to discover his hidden romantic interest.上原良,神風飛行員,最後一個字母,包含如何發現他隱藏的浪漫興趣的線索。 He tells his parents that inside a drawer, which he explains how to unlock, is a book he is leaving behind as he departs on his final mission.他告訴他的父母,在一個抽屜裡,他解釋說,如何解鎖,是一本書,他留下,因為他在他最後的使命離去。 Inside the book is a will different than the one he sent from the Army air base.書裡面是將他從陸軍空軍基地派出一個不同。 Letters are circled here and there throughout the book, and by tracing the letters throughout the book you can decipher the will he made out to his secret love (p. 238):字母是盤旋在這裡和那裡貫穿全書,並通過跟踪整本書,你可以破譯的字母將他做了他的秘密的愛(第238頁):
My dear Kyoko-chan.親愛的恭子議員。 Good-bye.再見。 I was in love with you, but you were already engaged to marry someone else—so my heart was really in agony.我愛你,但你已經參與到別人,所以我的心臟是在真正痛苦的人結婚。 And yet, when I thought of your happiness, I gave up the idea of whispering the words of love to you.然而,當我想到你的幸福,我放棄了竊竊私語的愛情的話給你的想法。 All the same, however, I will always love you.所有相同的,但是,我會永遠愛你。
Although many letters reflect the intellectual musings and emotional turmoil of the student soldiers, some writings give very mundane details.雖然很多信件反映知識產權的思索和情感風暴的學生兵,一些著作給予非常平凡的細節。 For example, one Army soldier takes up several pages to explain the steps involved in taking care of horses used by his field artillery unit.例如,一個陸軍士兵佔據了好幾頁,解釋在照顧他在場上的砲兵部隊使用的馬匹的所涉及的步驟。 The following short excerpt illustrates the minutiae in this soldier's writing (pp. 45-6):以下簡短的摘錄說明了這名士兵的寫作(第45-6頁)的細枝末節:
The tools with which we care for them are: a brush, a metal comb, a wooden comb, an iron spatula, a tub for washing hooves, a can of hoof oil, and a few other things.與我們照顧他們的工具是:一刷,金屬梳子,木梳,鐵鍋鏟,一個浴缸洗蹄,蹄油,和其他一些東西。 The brush, metal comb, and spatula are kept inside a bag called " teire bukuro " (a grooming bag).刷,金屬梳子,鍋鏟,保存名為“teire bukuro”(梳洗袋)一個袋子內。 The method of caring for a horse is as follows: first, you use your hands and knees to prop up the animal's leg and you turn a hoof upward; next the spatula is used to clean the hoof by removing all soil, horse dung, etc.; then the washing tub is filled with water and the hoof rubbed clean with a piece of cloth.照顧馬的方法是如下:首先,你用你的手和膝蓋撐起動物的腿和你打開一個蹄向上;未來的鍋鏟來清理刪除所有的土壤,馬牛糞,等蹄然後洗浴缸裝滿水和蹄一塊布擦乾淨。
A letter can be difficult to understand when the reader does not know the background of the writer and the circumstances at the time the letter was written.一個字母可能很難理解,當讀者不知道作家和背景的情況下,在這封信是寫的時間。 Many writings included in this book begin and end abruptly, but they still convey the anguish and tragedy experienced by these Japanese student soldiers.在這本書中包含的許多著作的開始和結束突然,但他們仍然傳達這些日本學生兵經歷的痛苦和悲劇。 The book does include each writer's basic biographical information (eg, dates of birth and death, university and major, date entered military, rank), and the translators provide valuable explanatory notes on terms used in the writings.這本書不包括每一個作家的基本履歷資料(例如,出生日期和死亡,大學和主要,日期進入軍事,排名),和翻譯人員提供了寶貴的著作中使用的術語的解釋性說明。
Listen to the Voices from the Sea includes the postscripts of the 1949, 1959, 1982, and 1995 editions of Kike Wadatsumi no Koe , which provide fascinating background on the strong influence this book has had for several decades in Japan. 聽海的聲音 ,包括序跋1949年,1959年,1982年和1995年的版本Kike Wadatsumi沒有Koe,提供強大的影響力,這本書在日本的幾十年了迷人的背景。 With this outstanding English translation, Yamanouchi unquestionably succeeds in her goals to show that Japan's special attack forces members were not mindless, robot-like figures and to give a human face to each of these student soldiers.有了這個優秀的英語翻譯,山內無疑是成功表明,日本的特殊攻擊部隊的成員,不動腦子,像機器人一樣的人物,並給人類面對這些學生兵,在她的目標。
Source Cited源引
Dower, John W. 1999. Embracing Defeat: Japan in the Wake of World War II . 1999年,約翰W ·道爾擁抱失敗:日本在第二次世界大戰之後。 New York: WW Norton.紐約:WW Norton出版社。



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