
出版时间:2009.04  出版社:880.00 元  作者:北京遣使会  页数:1334  译者:李国庆  


The library of the Catholic Mission, Peit'ang, Peking, possesses quitea considerable store of ancient books, the legacy of the Portuguese andFrench Missions of the Society of Jesus as well as of the PropagandaMission. The intellectual centres of this capital, in ever increasing numbers,wished to have access to this hidden, treasure, and those competent expressed,through the intermediary of Mr. C. B. Lyon, Secretary of the United StatesEmbassy, their desire to the Mission Authorities. These latter, in the personof His Ex. Mgr. Paul Montaigne, Vicar Apostolic and Very Rev. GustaveVanhersecke, Vicar General and Regular Superior, received the request mostfavourably and an accord was readily concluded for the practical realiza-tion of the project. The question was to gather all these ancient booksinto a special hall and to make a catalogue of them drawn up-accordingto the rules of modern bibliography. The Catholic Mission set apart oneof its buildings as a home for the new library and undertook to furnishthe expenses of the necessary installations : shelves, presses, a small reading.hall, etc... The Very Rev. Rudolph Rahman D. Ph., Superior of the Societyof the Divine Word and Rector of the Fu Jen Catholic University, agreedto accept the charge of compiling a filing index and a catalogue, the execu-tion of which was confided to the Rev. Theodore Riihl, professor of theUniversity. Thanks to the active intervention of Dr. Leighton Stuart, Pre-sident of the Yenking University and Dr. William Pettus, President of theCollege of Chinese Studies with the cooperation of Dr. Henry S. Houghton,President and of Mr. Trevor Bowen, Admin, istrator of the Peking UnionMedical College, the Rockfeller Foundation granted a generous subsidy forthe work of compiling the filing index and the catalogue. The work, begunin 1939, proved more tedious and difficult than had been foreseen. Forthe war, coming eight months after the start, threatened to stop the under-taking altogether. Rev. Theodore Ruhl had already left China during themonth of June.  His successor, the Rev. Joseph Goerts D. Ph., Librarianof the Catholic University, was compelled, in his turn, to absent himsefffor two years. The Librarian of the Peit'ang was expecting to be sent tothe concentration camp at Weihsien : but the Japanese authorities, for rea-sons of health, permitted him to remain at his post. Up to the present timethe international situation has interrupted all communication with Europeand America, whence we were hoping, to obtain information not availablehere on the spot. Consequently we had to resign ourselves to publishinga work incomplete in many points and in order not to weary the patienceof those interested we could not wait for the completion of the filing indexto commence the printing of the catalogue.


北平北堂天主教堂(即西什库天主教堂)图书馆收藏着相当数量的古籍善本书,那都是葡萄牙和法国耶稣会传教士和传信会传教士留下的遗产。日益扩大的首都学术界渴望利用这些深藏不露的宝藏,他们中的一些人通过美国使馆秘书来安(C.B.Lyon)先生向教会当局表达了他们的这一愿望。而由主教满德贻(Mgr.Paul Montaigne)神父和代理主教兼遣使会会长德神父(Gustave Vanhersecke)为代表的后者欣然同意,并拟定了实际的项目实施计划。要解决的问题是将所有这些古籍收藏到一个特殊的书库,并根据现代编目规则为这些书编辑目录。天主教传教士们专门腾出一部分房屋作为新图书馆,并承担配置诸如书架、书橱、小阅览室等必要设施之费用。


惠泽霖(Hubert Germain Verhaeren),荷兰人,一说比利时人,遣使会士。除此书目外, 另撰有“王徽与所译《奇器图说》”(景明译),载《上智编译馆馆刊》第二卷(1947年)第一期。
李国庆,上海人,现任美国俄亥俄州立大学教授、图书馆中/韩文部主任,武汉大学客座教授。毕业于中国北京大学和美国印第安那大学。研究领域:明清小说、近代中西交流史、文献学、图书馆学及情报学、英美文学等。出版有《美国俄亥俄州立大学图书馆中文古籍书录》、《亲历中国丛书》(8种)、《21世纪美国大学图书馆运作的理论与实践》(合作),《封神演义》(校点)、《绿野仙踪》(校注)、《醒世姻缘传》(校注),《暴发》(翻译)、《 金字塔》(翻译)、《保护并捍卫》(翻译)、《我的北京花园》(合译)、《帝国丽影》(合译)、《我看乾隆盛世》(合译)等书,以及中英论文数十篇。


前言北堂书及其研究利用:历史与现状 一、北堂书的种类和册数 二、惠氏及其它人对北堂书的整理 三、北堂藏书目录之流传 四、相关研究 五、结语 附识北堂书史略 概论 第一章 南堂藏书 第二章 东堂藏书 第三章 北堂藏书 第四章 西堂藏书 第五章 特使嘉乐主教藏书 第六章 主教藏书 第七章 住堂藏书 第八章 移交俄国教团 结语








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