
出版时间:2012-12  出版社:世界知识出版社  作者:蒋明君 著,IESCO翻译组 译  页数:490  字数:412000  


  Along with the continuous development of world multi-polarity
trend, further deepening of economic globalization, burgeoning of
regional cooperation, ever closer and frequent inter-state
exchange, constant upgrade of science, technology and productivity,
peace, development and cooperation have become an irreversible
world trend and the current of our times. Meanwhile, the hot spots
in some areas flaring up unexpectedly, widening the gap between the
South and North and overall economic imbalance have become the
focus of world people's concern. In response to an international
community full of opportunities and challenges, all the countries
should strengthen their mutual trust, coordination, further
exchanges and cooperation and work hard for the world peace and
common prosperity.


ChapterⅠ Basic Philosophy of Ecological Safety
SectionⅠ Natural Ecological Safety SectionⅡEcological System Safety
SectionⅢHuman Ecological Safety
ChapterⅡ Formation and Development of Ecological Civilization
SectionⅠ Succession of Human Civilization
SectionⅡ Transformation from Industrial Civilization to Ecological
SectionⅢ Improvement of Technology and Ecological Crisis
SectionⅣTechnology and Ecological Values of Science
ChapterⅢ Non-Traditional Security
SectionⅠ Disasters and Conflicts
SectionⅡ Homeland Security
SectionⅢ Labor Security SectionⅣFoodstuffs Security
SectionⅤ Food Security
SectionⅥ Threat of Terrorism
ChapterⅣ Environmental Security
SectionⅠ Climate Change
SectionⅡ Land Desertification
SectionⅢ Water Resources Pollution
SectionⅣ Offshore Pollution
SectionⅤ Air Pollution
SectionⅥ Waste Pollution
ChapterⅤ Species Security
SectionⅠ Animals, Plants and Microorganisms
SectionⅡ Species Extinction
SectionⅢ Destruction of Forest Vegetation
SectionⅣ Alien Species Invasion
SectionⅤ Protection of Biodiversity
ChapterⅥ Life Security
SectionⅠ Population Security
SectionⅡ Poverty Elimination
SectionⅢ Epidemic Infectious Diseases SectionⅣDrug Abusing
ChapterⅦ Safety of Natural Heritage
SectionⅠ Safety of Natural Heritage SectionⅡWorld Geoparks
ChapterⅧ Nuclear Safety and Radiation
SectionⅠ Nuclear Safety
SectionⅡ Radiation
SectionⅢ Biochemical Weapons
ChapterⅨ Urban Safety
SectionⅠ Urban Safety System SectionⅡUrban Disaster Warning
SectionⅢUrban Safety Management
ChapterⅩ Resources Safety
SectionⅠ Natural Resources Safety
SectionⅡ Water Resources Safety
SectionⅢ Energy Safety
SectionⅣ Mineral Resources Safety
ChapterⅪ Sustainable Development
SectionⅠ Sustainable Development of Economy
SectionⅡ Sustainable Development of Ecology
SectionⅢ Sustainable Development of Society
SectionⅣ Sustainable Urban Development


版权页:   His masterpiece-Small is Beautiful, is a book on development economics that has an extensive effect since the 1970s (1973). Schumacher firstly put forward the concept of intermediate technology, and then appropriate technology. From the ecological perspective, he experienced and observed the polarization between urban and rural areas, the poor and the rich, the industrial life and village life, as well as the wide gap between the rich countries and the poor countries, the Eastern countries and Western countries. His idea about intermediate technology is proposed considering both economic growth and the livelihood of the poor. His human scale-based value principle has penetrated into the economic life of both the developing and developed countries, and his idea of intermediate technology has extended into an industrial development mode, an alternative mode of ownership, a substitutional resource and an educational theory of environment and development. In 1980 and 1984, the New Economics Society met twice in London and Bonn and determined to set up a new economics - Economics of Survival (1986) with an aim to seek the best approach to attain individual development and social justice,satisfy various human needs, and realize the sustainable utilization of resources and environmental protection. They carried forward and developed the Schumacher's viewpoints on ecological economy, integrated the "human scale" and "natural scale"in economic development and turned to be a "sound, humane and ecological" new economics. Compared with the traditional economics, the "Economics of Survival" is also aimed to promote economic development, the only difference is that it stresses "another kind of development", which shall be firstly oriented to demand (material and nonmaterial demands of human beings).


  Ecology Is The State Of Living; While Ecological Safety Is The Safety Of Living.It Is The Moving Process For The Environment Upon Which The Life System Exist (Air, Soil, Forests, Seas And Oceans, Wetlands, Water Etc.) Not To Be Damaged Or Threatened.  Plants, Animals And Microorganisms Form The System Of Life On The Earth.“Ecological Environment” Which We Usually Mention Is Actually Made Up Of Two Concepts, In Which “Ecology” Means Organism And “Environment” Means The Space Where The Organisms Inhabit.These Two Are Inter-Related, But Cannot Be Confused With Each Other.  “Ecological Safety” We Advocate Today Refers To The Safety Of All Livings.A Local War Takes A Long Diplomatic Process, While An Ecological Disaster Is Sudden, Harming The Mankind And All The Other Livings As Well.  Preserving Ecological Safety, Protecting The Natural Environment And Realize Sustainable Development Should Be Taken As Our Biggest Achievement As Well As Our Grandest Charity In The Current World.Let'S Join Hands To Save Our Common Home——The Planet.  ——Dr.Jiang Mingjun





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