
出版时间:2012-7  出版社:世界知识出版社  作者:章晓英  页数:277  字数:381000  


  一百多年来,西方精英杂志《经济学家》一直是自由贸易的积极倡导者。自1985年来, 7它借用全球化概念继续不遗余力地推动传统自由贸易政策,主张市场全球化,并进而实现西方民主政治制度和价值理念的全球化。该刊凭借其叙事谋略这只“鞋拔子”,成功地将全球化的“巨足”塞人其自由主义的“水晶鞋”。然而,其自由主义全球化叙事与气候变暖叙事产生了明显的矛盾和冲突。此时,该刊倒也体现了务实作风,显示了变革之势。但由于受西方个人主义传统思想的长期束缚,其全球化思想的局限性日益凸显。




1.Why This Study?
2.Why The Economist?
2.1 The Economist: The Model of a Successful Democracy
2.2 Questions under Discussion
2.3 Sample Texts and Oxford Wordsmith Tools
3.How This Book Is Organized?
Chapter One Theoretical and Methodological Approaches
1.The Theory of Narrative
1.1 Mieke Bal and Narratology
1.2 The Economist's Globalization as a Metanarrative
2.Theories of the News
2.1 Allen Bell's “News Story”
2.2 Roger Fowler's “Conscious Intervention”
2.3 The Economist as a Case Study
3.Rhetorical Theories
3.1 Defining Features of Rhetoric
3.2 Artistic and Inartistic Proofs
3.3 Theory of Persuasion
3.5 Universal Pragmatics and Communicative Competence
3.6 Symbolic Action and Terministic Screens
3.7 The Relation between Discursive Reality and Material
4.“Tongbian”: A Distinct Chinese Thinking Mode
Chapter Two A Review of the Globalization Debate
1.Historiography of the Origin of Globalization
1.1 A Very Long-Term View
1.2 The Thirteenth Century: A Non-Eurocentric Perspective
1.3 The Sixteenth Century: A Mainstream View
1.4 The Nineteenth Century: An Economic Perspective
1.5 The Post-War Time: A Transformational View
2.Historiography of the Concept of Globalization
2.1 Poetic Representations of the Globe
2.2 Historical Account of the Discourses of Globalization
Chapter Three The Economist's Five Prominent Editors
1.The Economist's Editors
2.Why the Five Editors
3.Three Early Editors
3.1 James Wilson: An Extreme Proponent of Laissez-Faire
3.2 Walter Bagehot: A Moderate Proponent of Laissez-Faire
3.3 Sir. Layton: A Welfare-State Liberal
4.Two Most Recent Editors
4.1 Bill Emmott: An Obsessive Believer in Capitalism
4.2 John Micklethwait: A Free Trader under the Banner of
Chapter Four The Economist s Perception of Globalization
Chapter Five The Economist s Construction of Globalization:A
Chapter Six The Economist's Innovation: Global Warming as a Test
Chapter Seven Transcendence of The Economist's Globalization
Paradigm:A Chinese View


  1.2 The Economist's Globalization as a Metanarrative  On the basis of narrotology, this study labels The Economist's globalization as a metanarrative, a concept introduced by French philosopher and literarytheorist Jean-Francois Lyotard in his work The Postmodern Condition: A Report on Knowledge. A metanarrative, or grand narrative, or master narrative, is a global narrative schema which tells a big story of progress through universal human reason, or grand, all-encompassing theories. It is a particular type of narrative which focalizes a particular type of culture. For the metanarrative of The Economist's globalization, this means that the West has been the focalizor or focalized subject who comes to narrate, through what it sees as universal truth, a coherent system of interrelated and sequentially organized stories that demonstrate rhetorical desire to control the world. It presents a vision of the world. The focalized subject should be the whole globe but is discursively only a particular part of the globe. Globalization discourse is thus deeply embedded in the Western culture. It is Western globalization.  There has been increasing skepticism from poststructuralists toward the totalizing nature of the metanarrative of globalization and its reliance on some form of transcendent and universal truth. Lyotard and many other thinkers criticize the attempts to construct grand theories for three main reasons: First, the intention of constructing universal values tends to dismiss the naturally existing chaos and disorder of the universe. Second, a metanarrative is not to be trusted because it is created and reinforced by the power structure, ignoring the heterogeneity of human existence.   ……



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  •   这本书对于了解《经济学家》的发展、它的自身矛盾以及东西方文化都有帮助。没有长期的考察写不了这么深刻。
  •   听人介绍来买的,很好
  •   再次购买,因为实在太有意思了。
  •   还没看过,不过很喜欢这本书的质感。

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