
出版时间:2010-8  出版社:世界知识出版社  作者:张海征  页数:272  字数:338000  


破产制度萌芽于古罗马《十二铜表法》中的“债法”。随着商品经济的不断发展,地中海沿岸和西欧国家纷纷开始进行破产立法,以达到公平清理债权债务为目的,并兼顾社会公共利益。进入19世纪后,随着法人破产制度的建立,破产法的立法模式也渐从单一清算型向清算与和解并重的二元化结构转变。20世纪70年代爆发的石油危机,使西欧国家每年都有数万家企业陷入破产清算程序,原有的和解程序无论从立法思想上还是制度设计上都无法满足拯救困境企业的目的。企业破产引发的连锁反应,诸如职工失业和银行坏账的剧增等,使立法者必须思考如何在清算与和解程序之外设计一套制度,以企业复兴为目的,通过设立自动冻结等制度,使债务人在一定的保护期内不被债权人追讨,并由破产执业者主持或协助起草企业重整方案,交付债权人会议讨论和通过。重整结果约束各利益集团,以利企业重生。美国1978年《联邦破产法典》(2005年修订)第11章(“重整”)为世界各国破产重整立法提供了一个很好的范本,确立了以债务人为中心的重整模式。不久前的美国次贷危机使众多大企业陷入困境,如2009年通用汽车进入了破产保护,第11章为企业恢复生机发挥着重要作用。英国于上世纪70年代末成立了柯克委员会(Cork Committee),审查当时的破产立法和实践,为1986年“破产法案”提供了两个有代表性的程序:公司自愿安排程序(CVAs)和管理程序(administration)。进入21世纪后,英国重整程序也进行了一系列改革,建立了与美国相对应的以破产管理人为中心的重整模式。






Part One  Introduction  I.Research aims and the need for this analysis  II.Research methodology    A.Is it appropriate to carry out a comparative research on the topic of corporate rescue?    B.Main features of research objects  Concluding remarksPart Two  Theoretical and functional issues of corporate rescue  Introduction  I.Identification of two fundamental concepts central to corporate rescue    A.Property rights    B.Corporate failure  II.Basic theory of corporate rescue    A.Definition and ideology    B.Crucial elements to a corporate rescue activity  III.Functional transformation of corporate insolvency law    A.Historical evolution of rescue-oriented mechanisms    B.Origin and development of modern corporate    rescue culture  Concluding remarksPart Three  Identifying the contextual factors and historical development of the UK, the US and China  46  Introduction  I.Different cultures and ideologies    A.Legal cultures and ideologies regarding the role of law     B.Entrepreneurial cultures and ideologies  II.Historical developments of bankruptcy and corporate rescue laws in England, America and China    A.England:consistent reforms towards a modern rescue culture in the past three decades    B.America:formulation of the most influential corporate rescue scheme in the world-Chapter 11    C.China:long march towards an entirely new bankruptcy and corporate rescue system  Concluding remarksPart Four  A critical assessment of the Chinese corporate rescue laws and policies on the basis of the English and American models  Introduction  I.England : company voluntary arrangements (CVAs)    and administration    A.CVAs    B.Administration proceedings  II.America : Chapter 11 Reorganization    A.An overview of the US Chapter 11    B.Detailed procedure    C.Main reforms  III.China: the modified reorganization procedure    A.Initiation of the proceedings     B.Moratorium    C.Administrator's roles in reorganization    D.Creditors' meeting and creditors' committee    E.Reorganization proposal: voting, approval and implementation    F.Corporate control and management in reorganization: PIP or DIP?     G.A notable feature of China' s reorganization: shareholders' rights of involvement in the rescue process    H.Court' s involvement    I.Potential problems, solutions and prospects  Concliading remarksPart Five  Balance of power and control of each interested group in the network of rescuing companies  Introduction  I.Banks and secured financiers    A.In England    B.The Chinese banking sector :in bankruptcy legal framework-improving a weak position  II.Creditors in the weak bargaining position    A.In England    B.Inadequate protection to the weak interested groups in ChinaIII.Directors    A.Regulating directors by sticks and carrots approach in England and America    B.Directors in China' s two-tie1 board system: how to generate the right incentives?  IV.Labour    A.In England    B.The labour' s position in: China' s bankruptcy legal framework  V.State    A.In England    B.Strong position of the state in China' s bankruptcy legal frameworkConcluding remarksPart Six  ConclusionAppendix  I.List of abbreviations  II.The Chinese Enterprise Bankruptcy Law 2006  III.The Statistics of Enterprise Bankruptcy Cases in China(1989-2009)  IV.Table of Cases  V.Useful Vocabularies and TerminologiesBibliographyAcknowledgement


Corporate rescue has become increasingly a fashionable topic, which has long been asubject of global interest. The most notable formal corporate rescue regime wasestablished by Chapter 11 of the US Bankruptcy Code in 1978, which has had far-reaching influence on the bankruptcy law reforms of other countries.  During thepast thirty years, a series of reforms to domestic corporate bankruptcy~ and rescuelaws have been scheduled into the legislative agenda of many countries, and aimed atbuilding up a well-tailored and efficacious corporate rescue system by way ofsummarizing the experiences and lessons from other countries and taking fullconsideration of their own unique domestic situations. In the present decade, a widerange of jurisdictions in different legal systems have considered the reformulation oftheir bankruptcy legal frameworks towards a rescue culture. Conceptually,corporate rescue is a well-functioning method which can provide a ground forfinancially distressed but potentially still viable companies to take a breath from thedeadly enforcement of individual creditors, to negotiate with all the stakeholders andeventually to rehabilitate to its former healthy operation. Even where the attempt torescue is not successful, the business of the insolvent company can be sold as a goingconcern, and this may enable the creditors' claims to be satisfied to a greater extentthan would be possible in an immediate liquidation in which the assets of the debtorare usually disposed by a piecemeal sale for the purpose of a quick realization tocreditors.





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