出版时间:2010-2 出版社:世界知识出版社 作者:马骏 页数:191
托福是世界上最广为认可的英语测试。110个国家的逾6000所大专院校认可托福分数,其中包括美国所有4300所高等院校和众多来自英国、欧洲的世界顶尖高等院校。新托福无论从考试形式还是从考试内容等方面都突破了以往的传统考试。这也对中国学生的英语能力提出了更高更全面的要求,一向擅长语法、词汇和阅读的中国学生开始要面临更加严峻的听说能力的考验。许多考生感到拿新托福高分的困难,便把它称之为“变态”考试。尤其“变态”的地方就是新增设口语部分的“人机对话”形式。很多考生由于口语的单项成绩不理想而徘徊在“复议”和“二战”的边缘。 另外,口语具有严格的时间限制,这就对我们中国同学提出了更高的要求。那么我们如何攻克这一门考试呢?一定要从真题入手,熟悉考试的规律和答题思路,才可能拿到相对满意的分数,同时这也将使中国同学的口语水平在全球范围内有一个很好的提升。
Some time ago I created a blog——a free publishingtool for easily expressing myself and sharing mythoughts with the world. I used to keep myself passivejust by searching things on the Internet, but now I canuse it to serve myself and help others as well. By providing tips on how to learn English well, Icreate a connection with an audience, nurture thatrelationship with comments and litiks and keep thedialogue flowing. This is rather different from the in-person instructions or instant messenger. Also, I can position myself as an expert, buildonline brand and manage reputation, which definitelyboosts my confidence to succeed in life. Fortunatelyenough, I learn a lot more and even make friends withsome of them. So I thought I would go ahead and share with themmore useful thoughts on the subject. In my opinion, its the family, not the friends,that has the most important influence on young adults. To start with, they establish right values bygiving right guidance and good advice. Correct valueshave great effect on the way young adults look at theworld and do things. Furthermore, they are very important in helpingthem choose the right path for their future. If the familyguides young adults to the right path, they could growup as an essential member of society. In addition, not all young adults could make afight decision for their own course. If the family haswider experience and broader knowledge, they couldmake a better decision. Thats why I think family has the most influenceon young adults.In the reading material, the university isconsidering requiring students to take an internship ina company because students can learn leadership andorganizing skills through this experience and can get ajob security more easily after graduation. In the listening material, we clearly learn thatwoman doesnt like the idea. One reason she givesis that students can only do some basic works suchfiling or typing; they can not learn leadership ororganizing skills. Another reason is based on the factthat there are a lot of students and almost all theuniversities require them to take an internship, soeventually there will be not enough positions foreveryone. Therefore, she disagrees with that opinion. The reading passage explains the definition ofestablishing shot. It states that it is a kind oftechnique that allows cameraman film in a relatively farspot. And it has several advantages: it allowsaudiences to have a whole picture of the backgroundsetting; it provides audience with the mood and thefeeling of the movie. In the listening passage, the professor gives anexample to illustrate this. Once he went to a movie,the first sight he caught is a modern city with a lot ofskyscrapers, but the cars and everything seems old-fashioned. The background seems a little bit dark,gloomy and mysterious. From this experience, heconcluded that the story must have happened in a bigcity in the 1940s, and its a mysterious story. By these means, he proves that establishing shotis very important. In film and television, an establishing shot setsup, or " establishes", a scenes setting and/or itsparticipants. Typically it is a shot at the beginning ( or,occasionally, end) of a scene indicating where, andsometimes when, the remainder of the scene takesplace. An establishing shot may also establish aconcept, rather than a location. For example, openingwith a martial arts drill visually establishes the theme ofmartial arts. In the conversation, the woman is living in arun-down apartment, where the water pipe broke down.She cant get water and has no place to live in since itcan be fixed until two weeks later. The man offers hertwo possible solutions. One of the solutions hecomes up with is to live in her friends house andsleep on their couch for a couple of weeks. The othersolution is to stay in a cheap hotel near the school. Itend to agree with the second solution because itsinconvenient and uncomfortable to live in her friendshouse. Also, its too crowded to live other four people.If she stayed in a hotel, she would feel easy andrelaxed. Even though she needs to pay for it, its worthit since she has to stay for two weeks after all.