
出版时间:2009-1  出版社:李保荣 世界知识出版社 (2009-01出版)  作者:李保荣 编  页数:103  






新罕布什尔纪念币是美国50州纪念币序列中的第九枚,上面镌刻着该州一处非常奇特的自然景观——苍山老人。图上还刻着州训“不自由,毋宁死”,左边九颗星意指新罕布什尔是初始13州中第九个批准联邦宪法的州。“苍山老人”是坎农山上一处奇特的岩石构成,位于通往新罕布什尔州北部的弗兰克尼亚峡谷。如果观看的角度恰当,这一由五层红色康威花岗岩组成的奇特景观很像一位饱经沧桑的老人正凝视着东方。地质学家认为这些化岗岩层次纹路的形成是两千至一万年前的冰川时代后期,覆盖弗兰克尼亚山脉的冰层溶化滑动的结果。这一奇特的岩石构成的原本高度为40英尺,宽度为25英尺。可是,2003年初的岩石碎裂改变了一切。为新罕布什尔纪念币的设计,州长珍妮?沙欣成立了州纪念币委员会,代表成员包括文化事务部官员、艺术教育家、钱币专家、历史学家、参议员、众议员和本州公民。该委员会组织了全州公民纪念币设计构思方案竞赛,并建立了专门网站播放评选过程及其他与这一项目有关的信息。最后纪念币委员会将“苍山老人”这一方案上报联邦财务部长,并获批准。The Virginia quarter, the tenth coin released under the 50 State Quarters~~~~ Program, honorsJamestown, Virginia, our nation's first permanent English settlement. Jamestown turns 400years old in 2007. The selected design features the three ships, Susan Constant, Godspeed,and Discovery. These ships brought the first English settlers to Jamestown.On April 10, 1606, King James I of England chartered the Virginia Company to encouragecolonization in the New World. The first expedition, consisting of the three ships depicted onthe quarter, embarked from London on December 20, 1606. On May 12, 1607, they landedon a small island along the James River nearly 60 miles from the mouth of the ChesapeakeBay. It was here the original settlers(104 men and boys) established the first permanentEnglish settlement called Jamestown, in honor of King James I.The selection of the design for Virginia' s new quarter began when Governor James Gilmore selected State Treasurer Susan F. Dewey to ser, as liaison to the United States Mint forthe 50 State Quarters~~~~ Program. Ideas were solicited from colleges, universities, museums,and state agencies. Public comment was overwhelming, with thousands of responses received.Representatives from the Library of Virginia, the Department of Historic Resources, theVirginia Tourism Corporation and the Department of General Services assisted the StateTreasurer in selecting design concepts for the Virginia quarter. The citizens of Virginia wereencouraged to provide their comments. Governor Gilmore then forwarded his final designconcept recommendation, the Jamestown Quadricentennial, to the Secretary of the Treasurywho gave final approval.Treasury Secretary Rubin provided details on the design selection process to all 50 governorson January 9, 1998. The U.S. Mint announced on March 11, 2003 the revised process asfollows.Stage 1 The United States Mint will initiate the formal state design process by contacting the state governor approximately 24 months prior to the beginning of the year in which the state will be honored. The governor, or such other state officials or group as the state may designate, will appoint an individual to serve as the state's liaison to the United States Mint for this program.Stage 2 The state will conduct a concept selection process as determined by the state. The state will provide to the United States Mint at least three, but no more than five, different concepts or themes emblematic of the state; eah concept or theme will be in narrative format. The narrative must explain why the concept is emblematic of the state and what the concept represents to the state's citizens. A narrative that merely describes a particular design is not acceptable.Stage 3 Based on the arratives, the United States Mint will produce original artwork of the concepts, focusing on aesthetic beauty, historical accuracy, appropriateness and coinability. If the state has not provided at least three concepts, the United States Mint may produce additional concepts for the state.Stage 4 The United States Mint will contact the state to collaborate on the artwork. The state will appoint an historian, or other responsible officials or experts, to participate in this collaboration to ensure historical accuracy and proper state representation of the artwork. The United States Mint will refine the artwork before forwarding it to the advisory bodies.Stage 5 The Citizens Coinage Advisory Committee and the U.S. Commission of Fine Arts will review the candidate designs and make recommendations, and the United States Mint may make changes to address such recommendations.








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用户评论 (总计9条)


  •   东西很好,但是绝版,涨价2倍,有点不爽
  •   内容比较有用,各个州介绍的很详细
  •   收到书,发现封面脏兮兮的,有很多灰尘的痕迹,书内页印刷较清晰,不过就是粉尘过多,很容易刺激鼻子打喷嚏.
  •   给小家伙买的,很喜欢
  •   前天下的订单,今天收到货,很快。书很好,完整,干净,送给老舅的,他应该很喜欢。
  •   很好的书。作为此套钱币收藏爱好者的绝佳知识用书。
  •   对集币的朋友来说,还是值得买的。
  •   每个州的介绍内容太少,没想象中的好,不过还行吧。
  •   我在美国时,有个原在能源部工作的人“转手”了一份硬币册给我,就是50枚各个州的硬币集。后来我又去收集了近十册。可惜在美国没时间去找文字的说明。后来在卓越亚马逊网站上发现了这本书,就订了近十本。连同硬币册和书送给几个朋友,他们爱不释手。 这本书就比较详细的将历史知识、地理知识和集币文化结合在一起。很有趣,就是没有硬币册也可以学到不少。... 阅读更多

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