
出版时间:2006-8  出版社:新华  作者:张鑫友 编  页数:254  字数:190000  


  《英语听力入口2000》是供高等院校英语专业学生使用的听力课教材(张民伦主编,华东师范大学出版社出版),该套教材是在原来《英语听力入门》教材的基础上,根据社会的发展和教学改革新形势的要求,引进全新的听力素材,进一步加强对学生认知水平和听力技能的训练。  《英语听力入门2000》的听力材料基本取自于英美原文材料,涉及的知识面相当宽泛,新名词和新用法层出不穷,故许多学生和教师在使用时感到有一定的难度,学习起来也有一定的困难。为帮助广大英语专业学生和英语学习爱好者更好地学习和理解这套教材,我们特编写了其配套材料——《英语听力入门2000学习指南》。




Unit 1 Education Is a Key Part Ⅰ Warming up Part Ⅱ Educational systems Part Ⅲ Remarks on modern education Part Ⅳ Short talks on listening skills Thinking Ahead of the 5peaker——-Anticlpatlon HelpsUnit 2 Language——A Vehicle in communication Part Ⅰ Warming up Part Ⅱ What makes a good or bad student?  Part Ⅲ Some facts about English Part Ⅳ Language stud),and language appreciationUnit 3 Getting P,eady for the Future Career Part Ⅰ Warming up Part Ⅱ Painting for pay Part Ⅲ Choosing a career Part Ⅳ Short talks on listening skills YOU Just; Can't Remember So Much!—Learn to Select,Learn to SimpilfyUnit 4 AIl Can.Succeed Part Ⅰ Wanning up Part Ⅱ Successful people Part Ⅲ The work of Gordon Parks——an internationally known African American artist Part Ⅳ Language study and language appreciationUnit 5 Shaping and Reshaping Personality(Ⅰ) Part Ⅰ Warming up Part Ⅱ Self-esteem Part Ⅲ Balancing work and family Part Ⅳ Language study and language appreciationUnit 6 Shaping and Reshaping Personality(Ⅱ) Part Ⅰ Warming up Part Ⅱ Hand washing Part Ⅲ How to deal with depression and anger?  Part Ⅳ Expressions that spring f,om a handUnit 7 For the Glory of sport(Ⅰ) Part Ⅰ Warming up  Part Ⅱ Sydney 2000 Part Ⅲ News from the Olympics Part Ⅳ Language study and language appreciationUnit 8 For the Glory of sport(Ⅱ) Part I Warming up Part Ⅱ The sporting spirit Part Ⅲ Extracurricular activities  Part Ⅳ Short talks on listening skills Represent the Ideas Clear and Glean——OutliningUnit 9 Everybody Can Help the Environment Part Ⅰ Warming up Part Ⅱ Campaign。Salifomia ReLeaf  Part Ⅲ Steps to improving tecycling  Part Ⅳ Language study and language appreciationUnit 10 News(Ⅰ) Part Ⅰ Warming up Part Ⅱ News iterns Part Ⅲ Israel early elections Part Ⅳ Short talks on listening skills The“Inverted Pyramid”fn News ReportingUnit 11 News(Ⅱ) Part Ⅰ Warming up Part Ⅱ News iterns Part Ⅲ Nasdaq Part Ⅳ“Bulls”and“bears”Unit 12 News(Ⅲ) Part Ⅰ Warming up Part Ⅱ News items Part ⅢTorrential storms in Kenya Part Ⅳ Language study and language appreciation


  Education has acquired a kind of snob value in modem times. We areno lorcerr co,atent to be honest craftsmen skilled at our work through yearsof patient practice. Nowadays if we want to get a decent job, we have tohave a piece of paper. If we want to get promotion in even a humblest job,we have to obtain a certificate or a diploma first. We may know that wewili be better at the job than the man with the paper qualifications, but ourexperience and practical skills are regarded as relatively unimportant."Johnson wouldve been a manager, by now if hed taken the trouble to geta degree," his colleagues say. "Hes a clever man, he couldve doneanything if hed had a proper education. " I wonder if, as time goes on, weshould discover that many people whose practical experience and abilitywould have been enormously useful to their employers have been rejectedon the ground that they are insufiqciently qualified. Would it not be betterto allow people to become expert in a way most suited to them rather thanoblige them to follow a set course of instruction, which may offer noopportunity for them to develop skills in which they wouldre becomeexpert if left to themselves?



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  •   英语专业听力课用的,当然得必备了,听力水平很大提升
  •   辅导作用强
  •   价格合理 书很好
  •   挺实用的一本书,印刷不是太好
  •   一步一步的循序渐进,感觉挺不错的。

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