出版时间:2012-4 出版社:绍兴博物馆、 湖北省博物馆 文物出版社 (2012-04出版)
序一 序二 前言 第一单元 商代青铜器 第二单元 西周青铜器 第三单元 东周青铜器 春秋青铜器 战国青铜器 商代青铜器类对照图 周代青铜器类埘照图 图版目录 后记
版权页: 插图: 京山苏家垄墓地全景 苏家垄墓群位于湖北京山坪坝镇罗新村五组,整个墓群占地面积约12000平方米。目前墓葬区已发现墓葬两座,一座是1966年发现,出土九鼎八簋等一批青铜器共计97件;另一座是2008年发现,出土青铜器6件。苏家垄墓群是最早发现的曾国贵族墓地,时代约为春秋早期。 Panoramic view of the burial ground of the State of Zeng at Sujialong in Jingshan The Sujialong tombs,located in Luoxing village,Pingba town,Jinshan County,Hubei,occupy an area of approximately 12,000square meters.To date,two tombs were uncovered from the site Atotal of 97 pieces ofbronze vessels,including nine cling and eight gui,were unearthed from one of the tombs that was discovered in 1966.The other,discovered in 2008,unearthed 6 pieces of bronze vessels.Dating back to approximately the early Spring and Aummn period,the Sujialong tombs are the first known burial grounds for the State of Zeng’s aristocrats. 襄阳王坡墓地全景 2001—2002年,为配合襄(阳)十(堰)、襄(阳)荆(州)高速公路建设,在湖北襄阳王坡墓地发掘了173座东周秦汉时期的墓葬。其中4座春秋早期墓葬的发掘,不仅填补了邓城遗址周边这一时期的空白,更为研究古邓国国都提供了证据。 Panoramic view of the burial ground of the State of Deng at Wangpo in Xiangyang 173 tombs,dating from the Eastern Zhou to the Qin and Han dynasties,were uncovered in the Wangpo burial ground in Xiangyang,Hubei.Excavated works started in 2001 and ended in 2002 to comply with the construction of the Expressway from Zaoyang to Jingzhou.Four of the excavated tombs date back to the early Spring and Autumn period.This discovery not only provided the dating for the peripheral sites around the Dengcheng ruins,it also provided evidence for the existence ofthe ancient capital of the State of Deng.