出版时间:2006-11 出版社:文物出版社 作者:张囤生 页数:549
《世界遗产·中国》汇集截至2004年7月中国列入《世界遗产名录》的全部33个世界遗产项目,全方位展现中国世界遗产的风貌。“具有全球突出普遍价值”的中国遗产地或为历史遗迹,文明见证,或为自然造化、生态奇观,或为人文杰作与自然景观的和谐共处。 《世界遗产·中国》,1500张图片,20万文字图文互动,详加解说,展卷揽胜,纵横中国…… 《世界遗产·中国》收录中国境内的泰山、明清故宫、秦始皇陵、莫高窟、丽江古城等世界文化遗产30处,图文并茂,引人入胜。从中,我们可以从不同的角度重新认识文化遗产对人类的价值所在。《世界遗产·中国》的出版,将会为我们保护民族精粹,进一步发展历史文化,促进中国旅游事业的健康发展提供有益的帮助。 《世界遗产·中国》文字约10万字,图片1500余幅,汇集了我国世界文化遗产事业的最新成果,文字畅达,图片精美。
Mount Taishan 1987Imperial Palace of the Ming and Ping Dynasties 1987 2004Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor 1987Peking Man Site at Zhoukoudian 1987The Great Wall 1987Mogao Caves 1987Huangling sceic and historic interest area 1992Jiuzhaigou valley scenic and historic interest area 1992Wulingyuan scenic and historic interest area 1992Mountain Resort and its outlying temples,Chengde 1994Historic ensemble of the Potala palace,Lhasa 1994 2000 2001Ancient building complex in the wudang mountains 1994Ancient building complex in the wudang mountains 1994Temple and Cemetery of comfucius and the kong family Mansion in Qufu1994Mount emei scenic area,including leshan giant buddha scenic area 1996Lushan nationl park 1996Old town of lijian 1997Classical gardens of suzhou 1997 2000Ancient city of ping yao 1997Summer Palace,an Imperial Gardem in beijing 1998Temple of Heaven:an Imperial Sacrificial Altar in beijing 1998Dazu rock carvings 1999Mount wuyi 1999Mount qingcheng and the dujiang yan Irrigation system 2000Imperial tombs of the ming and Qing dynastes 2000 2003 2004Longmen grottoes 2000Ancient villages in southern anui-xidi and hongcun 2000Three parallel rivers of yunan protected areas 2003Capital cities ,imperial tombs and Nobles`tombs of koguryo 2004Historic centre of macao 2005Yin xu 2006sichuan giant panda sanctuaries 2006