出版时间:2010-3 出版社:中国少年儿童出版社 作者:李朝东 主编,刘心忠 编写 页数:408 字数:12
教材是学习之本,但由于篇幅所限,它并不能将知识点详尽阐述。教师在课堂教学中受教学时间限制,也不能弥补此缺陷。本书则填补了教材和课堂教学的不足。它有两个突出功能。 一、课前预习和课后复习整理之用,有助于提高课堂学习效果。对于上课没听懂的同学,使用本书等于把一个优秀教师请回了家。 二、中等水平以上的学生都有这样的感觉:平时学习感觉不错,可是一到考试,总是有一些题目做不出来。究其原因就是考试内容比教材要求要难一些。本书就是填补教材与考试之间的差距,以考试的要求,对教材知识进行全面的挖掘和提升,使同学们在考试时能居高临下,得心应手。
Module 1 Wonders of the worldModule 2 Great booksModule 3 Sporting lifeModule 4 Great inventionsModule 5 MuseumsModule 6 Save our worldRevision module AModule 7 AustraliaModule 8 PhotosModule 9 Cartoon storiesModule 10 FitnessModule 11 PopulationModule 12 Summer in LARevision module B
When I arrived,it was early morning and it Was raining.I got out of the car,went through a gate and walked along apath.In the east,the sky was becoming light,but be-side the path,it Was still very dark.I knew it was there。but there was nothing to see. After about a kilometre,a stranger appeared in front of me.“Am I goitag the fight way?”I asked.He knew where 1 was going.“Yes,”he replied,“youll get there in five minutes.”Finally,I calne to some rocks,and stopped.I looked carefully over them,but it Was still too dark to see anything. Suddenly,the clouds cleared and the rain stopped.The sun rose behind me and beyond the rocks.I saw that the ground felt away and down to a fiver,far below me.I was on the edge of the Grand Canyon,one of the wonders of the natural world.