
出版时间:2001-9  出版社:中国少年儿童出版社  作者:宋金星,张雪艳 编  页数:66  


  《春雨名牌牛皮卷·提优名卷:英语(6年级下)(PEP)》与各年级单元(章)的教学和考试同步。新版单元卷仍为A、B两卷,A卷重在测试基础知识与重点过关,B卷着重测试综合能力与应用创新能力;期中、期末试卷为名校、名师精心编制,荟萃了课改名校的试卷精华,可供城乡各层次学校统一使用。  《春雨名牌牛皮卷·提优名卷:英语(6年级下)(PEP)》所有试题均充分彰显了各学科《课程标准》对学生素质能力发展的要求,直观体现了各学科命题改革的趋势,富有浓郁的探索性与开放性,展示了教育发达地区课改实验的前沿性成果。  值得特别指出的是,本套试卷中的开放性创新题均分别逼近小升初压轴题与奥赛题水平,引领学生挑战自我、夺取高分。  《春雨名牌牛皮卷·提优名卷:英语(6年级下)(PEP)》每卷给出测试时间、各题分值,答案另附,便于各学校各班级统一使用,也可供家长检测或学生自测时使用。


  Billy lived on a quiet street in a big city. Sometimes his mother took him to a park to play. LastSunday, his father gave him a beautiful new ball. Billy went out to play with it. He played happily fora few minutes,but then a big dog came along. When the dog saw the ball, it wanted to play with ittoo. Billy picked up the ball and held it above his head. He didn't want the dog to take it away, so heran away. But the dog jumped and caught the ball.  Last Sunday was a nice day. Tom, my friend,and I went climbing. At the toot of the mountain,I looked up and shouted," Wow! How high the mountain is!" The whole mountain was green. Theair was clean and fresh. Many small flowers were smiling among the green grass. Some little birdswere flying and singing in the blue sky. We felt very excited.  We began to climb the mountain. An hour later, we got to the top of the mountain. I looked downand saw the whole city. "How beautiful the city is!" I shouted loudly. Then we took some photos,because we wanted to remember the wonderful day forever.  ......





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