
出版时间:2009-5  出版社:中国青年出版社  作者:《剑桥儿童英语》教育与教学研究中心  




《剑桥幼儿英语(广播版)(1级A)》目录: Unit 1 Hello! Unit 2Good Morning! Unit 3Good Night! Unit 4Thank You! Unit 5I'm Sorry Unit 6Bye-bye! Unit 7Mummy, I Love You! Unit 8Hello! I'm Mary Unit 9Let's Count! Unit 10I'm a Boy Unit 11I'm Six Unit 12It's a Cat Unit 13It's Red Unit 14 I Have a Car Unit 15I Like Peaches 《剑桥幼儿英语家长(教师)用书(广播版)(1级A)》目录: 与孩子一起学英语 Unit 1 Hello! Unit 3 Good Night! Unit 5 I'm Sorry Unit 7 Mummy, lLoveYou! Unit 9 Let's Count! Unit 11I'm Six Unit 13 It's Red Unit 15 I Like Peaches Unit 2 Good Morning! Unit 4 Thank You! Unit 6 Bye-bye! Unit 8 Hello! I'm Mary Unit 10 I'm a Boy Unit 12 It's a Cat Unit 14 I Have a Car 与孩子一起玩游戏  Activity 1 Make the mask Activity 2 Cut and do the puzzle Activity 3 Paper folding Activity 4 Word cards Activity 5 Connect the dots and guess Activity 6 Read and colour Activity 7 Colour and guess Activity 8 Connect the dots and colour Activity 9 Paper folding


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