
出版时间:2008-7  出版社:中国青年出版社  作者:《剑桥儿童英语 组 编  页数:192  




上册She has English classes on TuesdaysWhat does Tom do every day?I like playing footballWhen do you go skating?Do you often surf the net?How often do you have football practice?I live on the eighth floorWhat do you do?Are these jogging shoes yours?What's the date today?Shall I carry the bag for you?Could you tell me the way tothe Children'S Palace?You'd better put on your sweaterl feeI badWhat'S wrong with you?Listening&AnswerWhere can I find a science fiction?I've got to go now What did you do yesterday?下册I hat Was easVDid you have a good time?You must always keep to the rightWhat should l do?Save the EarthHow tall are you?The sun is bigger than the moonThe biggest conti nentMy best friendl want to be a teacher when I grow upA letter to my motherHoliday plansListening&Answer


版权页:插图:John was a photographer.He oftentook pictu res on the street.ORe day hehappened to take a picture of a man whowas stealing money frOm an old woman'Shandbag.After he developed the f11m.hesent it to a policeman at once.With thepicture。the policeman caught the thiefeasily and returned the money to the oldwoman.After that John started to visitdifferent places around the world.He of-ten helped people who were not carefulwith their handbags.





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