
出版时间:2004-1  出版社:中国青年出版社  作者:剑桥儿童英语编写组 编著 编  


《剑桥儿童英语同步练习(基础版 第1级 上册)》目录: How are you? I'm Mary What's your name? How old are you? My birthday party My body I love my family My mother is a teacher I like apples I can play the piano It's time to go home I get up at seven Come to my house My bedroom Whose toy is this? Listen & Answer 《剑桥儿童英语同步练习(基础版 第1级 下册)》目录: What's this? Where is the bird? How many cows are there on the farm? Where are you from? What's your phone number? What colour is the apple? What do you want for supper? Can I have some milk? Would you like a cup of tea? Today is Monday What's the weather like today? I go to school by bus. What are you doing now? How much is the red dress? We had a good time at the beach Listen & Answer Assessment


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  •   怎么还有这种事,从24页直接跳到41页,这该怎么用??

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