出版时间:1996-11 出版社:中国财政经济出版社
Part One Front Office
Unit One Reservation
1. Accepting a Long Distance Call Reservation
2. Accepting a Booking in Person
3. Accepting a Group Reservation
4. Refusing a Reservation
5. Inquiring about the Room Rate
6. Accepting a Reservation for V. I. P
Useful Expressions
Unit Two Registration
1. Registering a Guest Who Has a Reservation
2. Registering a Walk-in Guest
3. Helping to Fill in the Registration Form
4. Registering a Tour Group
5. Registering a Group of Guests at the Fair '"
6. Dealing with a Reservation Mix-up
7. Dealing with a Late Guest
8. Recommending Another Hotel for the Guest
9. Rearranging a Room for the Guest
10. Extending a Reservation for Two Days
11. Paying 50% charge on an Extension for Half
a Day
12 Changing Rooms
Useful Expressions
Unit Three Luggage Service
1. Bringing the Guest to the Front Desk
2. Showing the Guest to His Room
3. Introducing the Room Facilities
4. Running on Errands for the Guest
5. Delivering Bags to the Guest' s Room
6. Getting down the Luggage for the Guests When
They Leaves
Useful Expressions
Unit Four Information
1. Inquiring a Guest
2. Visiting Someone at the Hotel
3. Leaving a Message for the Guest
4. Paging the Guest for the Visitor
5. Leaving a Message for the Visitor
6. Delivering the Key When the Guest Returns
7. Booking a Plane Ticket
8. Booking Play Tickets
9. Recommending Places of Interest
10. Introducing Spicy Chinese Dishes
11. Inquiring about the Hours at the Restaurants
12. Inquiring about Entertainment in the Hotel
13. Inquiring about the Night Club
14. Checking the Luggage
15. Claiming the Luggage
Useful Expressions
Unit Five Switchboard
1. Answering an Outside Call
2. Taking a Message fbr the Caller
3. Answering a Call from the Guest Room
4. Askihg for a 'Morning Call
5. Making an Overseas Call
6. Making a Domestic Call
Useful Expressions
Unit SixThe Cashier
1. Changing Money
2. Offering OneWay Change Only
3. Explaining Change Limit during Night Hours
4. Explaining a Credit Limit
5. Checking Out in Cash
6. Checking Out by Traveller's Cheques
7. Explaining an Itemized Bill
8. Miscalculating
9. Making Two Separate Bills for the Guest
Useful Expressions
Unit Seven Business Center
1. Having Copies Made
2. Having Visiting Cards Printed
3. Tpying Documents for the Guest
4. Sending a Fascimile
5. Lending Printer to the Guest
6. Making an Overseas Distance Call
Use ful Expressions
Unit Eight Guests' Complaints
1. Complaining about the Noise
2. Complaining about the Intolerable Condition
3. Moving the Guest to Another Room
4. Complaining about the Delay of the Luggage
5. Complaining about the Missing of a Necklace
6. Complaining about the Slow Service
Useful Expressions
Part Two Housekeeping Department
Unit One Chamber Service
1. Making up the Room
2. Helping Guest to Solve Problems
3. Providing Turn-down Service
Useful Expressions
Unit Two Room Service
1. Inquiring about Room Service
2. Asking for Room Service
3. Getting Some Drinks and Refreshments for the
Useful Expressions
Unit Three Laundry Service
1. Explaining the Laundry Service to the Guest
2. Accepting Laundry with Special Requirements
3. Asking for the Express Service
4. Delivering the Laundry to the Guest' s Room
5. Asking for Mending Service
6. Inquiring about Laundry
Useful Expressions
Unit Four Convention Service
1. Renting Convention Facilities
2. Checking Convention Facilities
3. Testing Convention Facilities
Uint Five Miscellanous Services
1. Providing Baby-sitting Service
2. Providing Extended Service
3. Providing Shoe-shining Service
4. Dealing with an Emergency
5. Arranging a Cocktail Party for the Guest
6. Solving a Damage Problem
7. Inquiring after a Guest
8. Congratulating a Guest on Her Birthday
9. Taking Care of the Patient
Useful Expressions
Part Three Food and Beverage Department
Unit One Making Reservation in a Restaurant
1. Reserving a ?'able in a Restaurant
2. Accepting a Reservation with Special Requirements
3. Refusing a Reservation
Useful Expressions
Unit Two Receiving Guests
1. Seating the Guest Who Has a Reservation
2. Seating the Guest without a Reservation
3. Waiting for Seats
4. Sharing the Table
5. Receiving a Delegation
6. Receiving a Tourist Group
Useful Expressions
Unit Three Taking Orders
1. Ordering Chinese Breakfast
2. Ordering Western Breakfast
3. Taking Orders for Chinese Food
4. Taking Orders for Western Food
5. Recommending Today' s Speciality
6. Introducing Chinese Food
7. Taking Orders for Wine
8. Suggesting Table D' Hate
9. Recommending Sweets and Fruit
Useful Expressions
Unit Four Serving Dishes
1. Misserving
2. Speeding up the Dish
3. Refusing to Change the Dish
Useful Expressions
Unit Five Paying the Bill
1. Going Dutch
2. Charging More
3. Signing the Bill
Use full Expressions
Unit Six At Buffet and Snack Bar
1. Giving Information about a Buffet
2. Talking about Buffet Hot Pot Dish
3. Having a Meal in a Snack Bar
Unit Seven At the Bar
1. Serving Drinks
2. Talking about Chinese Wines
3. Mixing Cocktails
Useful Expressions
Unit Eight Coffee Shop
1. Having Something at the Coffee Shop
2. Waiting for Someone
3. Trying Chinese Dim Sum
Unit Nine Room Service
1. Asking fora Room Service
2. Sending Food to the Guest Room
3. Ordering Snacks and Drinks
Useful Expressions
Unit Ten Settling Complaints
1. Complaining about the Steak
2. Complaining about the Shrimps
3. Complaining about the Dining-room
Useful Expressions
Part Four Shopping Arcade
Unit One Textiles and Knitwear Department
1. Buying a Sweater
2. Buying an Embroidered Silk Blouse
3. Buying a Carpet
Useful Expressions
Unit Two Arts and Crafts Department
1. Buying Some Porcelain
2. Buying Some Jadeware
3. Buying Some Cloisonne
4. Buying Some Seals
5. Buying a Painting
6. Buying Writing Brushes and Inkstones
Useful Exprssions
Unit Three Pharmacy and Foodstuff Department
1. Buying Chinese Medicine
2. Buying Some Chinese Pastry
3. Buying Some Chinese Wine
Useful Expressions
Unit Four Native Produce Department
1. Buying Some Jinghua Ham.
2. Buying Some Chinese Tea
3. Buying Some Dried Bamboo Shoots
Useful Expressions
Part Five For Other Departments
Unit One The Beauty Center
1. At the Barber' s
2. At the Hairdresser
3. Special Requirements with the Barber
Useful Expressions
Unit Two The Recreation Center
1. In the Chess and Cards Room
2. In the Kalaoke Hall
3. In the Ballroom
4. In the Music Teahouse
5. At the Night Club
6. In the Billiard Room
7. In the Electron Game Room
8. In the Bowling Room
9. In the Bar
Useful Expressions
Unit Three The Fitness Center
1. At the Health Club
2. At the Sauna Center
3. At the Indoor Swimming Pool
4. In the Indoor Skating Rink
5. At the Tennis Court
6. In the Squash Rackets Room
Useful Expresseions