英语 第二册



Lesson One
Conversation: But My Stomach ?ache Can't Wait
Text: The Secret of Language
Word Study: do, have
Grammar: I.现在完成进行时;II.过去完成进行时
Lesson Two
Conversation : I Want My Change
Text: Polite Forms of English
Word Study: find, ask
Grammar: I.将来进行时;II.将来完成时
Lesson Three
Conversation: Good Luck
Text: The Gold Rush
Word Study: catch, leave
Grammar: 定语从句
Lesson Four
Conversation: Would You Please Help Me
Text: First or Last Names
Word Study: use, say
Grammar: I. 定语从句(二); II.同位语从句
Lesson Five
Conversation: How about Giving Me a Special Price
Text: The Services of a Bank
Word Study: look, put
Grammar: 状语从句
Revision I
Lesson Six
Conversation: Room Reservations
Text: The Olympic Games
Word Study: let, begin
Grammar: I. 主语从句; II.表语从句
Lesson Seven
Conversation: Welcome Back
Text: Proper Behaviour in Formal Situatio
Word Study: tell, give
Grammar: "As" 的用法
Lesson Eight
Conversaticn: Visiting a Doctor
Text: Computers
Word Study: come, change
Grammar: 主语和谓语的一致
Lesson Nine
Conversation: At the Bank
Text: The Money System of the United States
Word Study: call, see
Grammar: 时态的呼应
Lesson Ten
Conversation: Can You Recommend a Good Film
Text: Installment Plan
Word Study: make, spend
Grammar: 句子的种类和类型
Revision II
Irregular Verbs 不规则动词(Book 1 & Book l)
Vocabulary 词汇



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