
出版时间:2010-10  出版社:中国社会科学出版社  作者:张俊华 等编  


The College of Administration of Zhejiang University and the Friedrich- Ebert-Stiftung's Office in Shanghai held an international workshop in Hangzhou on 9——10 March 2009 on the theme of ' Comparative Industrial Relations: China- Souttr-Korea- Germany/Europe. The aim of the event was to expand on experiences from other countries and economies so that they could be used in the Chinese development debate.When the organisers met to consider the topics four blocs rapidly emerged  which  henceforth  determined  the  workshop's  structure. 'Collective Bargaining~ and 'Dispute Resolution~ are standard features of every discussion of industrial relations.  The two areas are also gainingsignificance in China in parallel with the retreat of the state from labour planning and  wage  setting.  In  the  meantime,  the  government  is encouraging the state-organised trade unions to play a bigger role here.The two other sets of topics suggested themselves equally rapidly. In many industrialised countries a neoliberal rollback has been discernible since the mid-1980s, calling into question trade union achievements of previous decades and attempting to realign labour market policy with classical  labour  market  doctrines.  The  new,  atypical  employment relationships which have arisen as a consequence represented a separate thread in the workshop, making it possible to address the development of unprotected employment relationships with the exclusion of trade unions.




编者:(德国)鲁道夫·特劳普-梅茨(Rudolf Traub-Merz) 张俊华


Foreword  Rudolf Traub-MerzIndustrial Relations in China, South-Korea and GermanyPart I- Collective Bargaining  Huang Renmin Characteristics of Collective Wage Bargaining in China and the Practical Role of Trade Unions  Youngmo Yoon Labour Relations and Collective Bargaining in South Korea- Moving from Enterprise-level Collective Bargaining to Industry/Sectoral-level Collective Bargaining  Thorsten Schulten Collective Bargaining in Europe- An overview  Reinhard Bahnmiiller The Dual System of Representation in Germany: Structure and Current Developments              Part II- Dispute Resolution  Shen Qinqing and Pan Taiping The Role and Function of Trade Unions in Resolving Collective Labour Disputes in China  Youngmo Yoon Industrial Disputes and Dispute Resolution Mechanisms in South-Korea  Thorsten Schulten Conflict Resolution in EuropePart III - Industrial Relations during Economic Crisis  Kinglun Ngok Chinese Labour Law in the Global Financial Crisis  Qiao Jian Lessons for China from Labor Policies during the Great Depression in the USA  Kiu Sik Bae and Rudolf Traub-Merz How Can the Interests of Workers Be Safeguarded during the Economic Crisis in Korea?  Wolf gang Daubler Workers' Rights in an Economic Crisis: GermanyPart IV- Atypical Employment  Kiu Sik Bae Atypical Employment in Korea- Beyond the Standard Working Contract  Wolf gang Daubler Beyond the Standard Labour Conti'act -Experiences from Germany


插图:As a crisis strategy, wages and social benefits are usually subordinate to the goal of company competitiveness.  But this also points to the problem of enterprise-level wage agreements. As Yoon and Bae show for South Korea, company workforces are struggling to keep their jobs in competition with other workforces and are quick to make concessions which secure employment at their own plant and jeopardise the jobs of others. Bahnmtuller shows that even branch trade unions with industry wide agreements are not averse to this kind of downward competition. During periods of economic crisis even in Germany works councils oppose rade unions from time to time and demand a significant reduction in labour costs.Germany has probably the most developed 'toolbox~ in the world for combating crises in the labour market. The principal means of smoothly adapting employment volumes to fluctuations in demand or sales are agreements  between  trade  unions  and  employers'  associations  onemployment guarantees, on the one hand, and between works councils and group managements, on the other hand. Working time accounts, in particular, create flexibility (cf. Daubler, Workers' Rights). In boom periods, workers can do overtime for which they do not receive wages but credits in their working time account.  In periods of crisis,  this is reversed. They continue to receive their regular wage although they work less.  Co! lective agreements on employment at sectoral level create the framework, while company agreements lay down the details.





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  •   这是一本关于中国、德国、韩国劳动关系比较的论文集。文章有一定质量,但是缺乏一个比较分析的框架。实际上没有什么比较,只是把三国的事情分开来写,然后放在一起而已。本书也有中文版。如果需要了解德国和韩国劳动关系的一些情形,并以中文为写作语言,那么看中文本即可。如果需要用英文发表论文,那么参考此书是必要的。

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