出版时间:2008-12 出版社:中国社会科学出版社 作者:姜亚军 页数:349
本书是在笔者博士论文的基础上加工而成的。原论文的写作源于笔者多年来对世界英语变体(world Englishes)和对比修辞学(contrastive rhetoric)两门学科的互补性的思考。 世界英语变体研究兴起于上世纪80年代初,是第二次世界大战以来英语迅速国际化和本土化的必然产物。在过去近30年的时间里,世界英语变体研究领域围绕英语传播所出现的种种问题展开了广泛讨论,但总的来讲,对其文化影响和意识形态层面的关注多于对其语言特征的研究,而对其语言特征的研究则多限于语音、词汇和句法层面。看到中国人使用的英语有地方口音和中国特有的词汇,就认为找到了“中国英语”存在的理据;想到中国目前还没有母语使用者,又说“中国英语”还不是一种“国别变体”。这样的研究往往不能触及“中国英语”的本质特征。中国人写出的、没有中国特有词汇的语篇,会是“美国英语”或者“英国英语”吗?如果其中真的体现出浓厚的中国特色,探讨“国别变体”的意义何在?笔者近年来提倡对英语变体的语篇研究,认为只有深入到语篇层面,才能发现一种变体的本质,因为语篇层面是语言和文化以及思维方式的交汇点。对比修辞学对语言的跨文化研究在这一点上为我们提供了不可多得的借鉴和启示。
本书是对世界英语变体的元学科研究,主要从该学科的科学性出发,从研究构架、研究方法和研究对象等层面探讨了其研究范式的建立问题。作者的主要观点是:世界英语变体研究应该加强语言领域的研究,研究对象应该深入到篇章层面;研究方法应该借鉴比较修辞学等应用语言学学科的统计和实证方法。该书的创新之处之一在于论证了 “发展圈”英语的规范(norms)在语篇层面更多地依赖于本地语的语篇模式。
姜亚军,教授,博士。研究领域涉及语篇分析、翻译学、辞典学、第二语言写作和英语国际化研究。目前已在English Today、Speaking English 、《外语教学与研究》、《现代外语》和《辞书研究》等发表论文五十余篇。为World Englishes的特约审稿人。主编和参编《外语教学与研究论丛》、《通用英文口译教程》、《英语写作教程》和《新世纪汉英大辞典》。承担教育部“十一五”规划教材《英语写作教程》的研编,参与教育部项目“进一步提高外向型汉英词典编纂质量的研究”。
Preface 0 Introduction 0.1 Statement of the Problem 0.2 Theoretical Underpinnings 0.3 Literature Review 0.4 Preview of the Book1 Contrastive Rhetoric 1.1 Conlrastive Rhetoric: Where Culture Meets Rhetoric 1.2 Major Approaches in CR Research 1.3 L2 Discourse: Where Chinese Encounter Aristotle 2 World Englishes 2.1 The Global Spread of English: A Mixed Blessing 2.2 World Englishes Studies 2.3 Major Approaches in WEs Research3 World Englishes as a Discipline 3.1 Academic Status of World Englishes 3.2 Science or 'Properly Constructed Academic Discipline' 3.3 Kuhn's Concept of Paradigm 3.4 Matsuda's Internal Metadisciplinary Inquiry 3.5 Implications from CR4 World Englishes: A Discoursal Perspective 4.1 The Linguistic Tradition of Sentence Grammar 4.2 The Sacred Cow of Sentence Grammar in WEs " 4.3 Case Study I: English as a Chinese Language5 World Englishes: A Linguistic Typology 5.1 Modeling World Englishes 5.2 A Linguistic Typology of World Englishes 5.3 ESL and EFL, Or L2? 5.4 Interlanguage assumption 5.5 Case Study II: Is English an Asian Language?6 World Englishes: Methodological Considerations 6.1 Quantitative and Qualitative Paradigms 6.2 Methodological Tradition in Writing Research 6.3 Methodological Tradition in CR Research 6.4 Traditional WEs Methodology 6.5 Mixed Methods in WEs Research 6.6 Chinese Writing Abstracts in English7 Conclusions and Further ResearchBibliography
[i]n his preface,Kaplan lists several journals that have ex-panded the scope of applied linguistics in the past forty years,and while he does not claim that his list is exhaustive,hedoes not mention the journal World Englishes(nor,for thatmatter,does he mention the Journal of Second LanguageWriting).While several works by World Englishes pioneerBraj Kachru appear in the references,they are cited paren.thetically in Ofelia Garcia' s chapter on languagespread. While this volume does not even mention World Eng.1ishes as an area of gtudy,World Englishes scholars havetheir own journal’their own conference,and panels at almostmany linguistics conferences.This level of activity matches oreven exceeds that of other,smaller subfields of applied 1in.guistics,making the absence of World Englishes from thehandbook all the more noticeable as a flaw.(‘Weaknesses’section,para,3). At the same time,a symposium on‘World Englishes and TeachingEnglish as a Foreign Language'at the annual meeting of the AmericanAssociation for Applied Linguistics was held at the Salt Lake City,Utah,on April,2002.The participants realized not only that‘[W]hilethe spread of English,its resultant function in new contexts,and nativ-ization have been discussed and documented in the last twenty years,relatively little research has addressed the pedagogical functions of aworld Englishes approach,’but also that‘EFL pedagogy can be compli-cated and enriched by a world Englishes approach’(McHenry,2002a,p.452). ……