
出版时间:2007-7  出版社:中国社会科学出版社  作者:黄勤  页数:282  字数:251000  






Chapter One Introduction 1.1 Purposes for this research 1.2 Research questions 1.3 Methodology 1.4 Significance of this research 1.5 An outlined plan for the bookChapter Two Ideology in News and News Translation:A Critical Review 2.1 Basic concepts of news and ideology 2.2 The relationship between ideology and the media 2.3 Ideology in news from the perspective of critical discourse analysis 2.4 Ideology in news translation from the perspectiveof translation studies 2.5 SummaryChapter Three An Interdisciplinary Model for Critical Discourse Analysis in News Translation 3.1 Van Dijk's socio-cognitive approach to ideology 3.2 Discourse structures for ideology analysis 3.3 A tentative model for the critical discourse analysis of news translationChapter Four Data Analysis 4.1 Characteristics and significance of the translation of political news 4.2 Related background knowledge for data analysis 4.3 Different ideological stances of media in reporting the Sino-US mid-air collision 4.4 A critical discourse analysis of translation data 4.5 SummaryChapter Five Conclusion 5.1 Conclusion 5.2 Limitations of the present study 5.3 Speculations about further researchBibliographyAppendicesList of Diagrams Diagram 2.1 Thematic Structure of News Report Diagram 2.2 Superstructure Schema of News Report Diagram 2.3 General Process of Critical DiscourseAnalysis Diagram 3.1 Socio-Coguitive Model of Ideology Diagram 3.2 Relationships among Ideologies, Context and Discourse Diagram 3.3 An Interdisciplinary Model for the Critical Discourse Analysis of the Translation of NewsList of Figures Figure 4.1 Attitudes to China in the New York Times Figure 4.2 Attitudes to China in the Washington Post Figure 4.3 Ideological Impacts on Translated Material SelectionList of Tables Table 4.1 A Comparison of News from Different Media Table 4.2 Reporting Modes of the News Sources Table 4.3 Translation of Reporting Modes of the News SourcesList of Abbreviations  CDA: Critical Discourse Analysis  CCP: Chinese Communist Party  CL : Critical Linguistics  DS : Direct Speech  IS : Indirect Speech  ST : Source Text  TT: Target Text



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