
出版时间:2012-3  出版社:中国对外翻译出版公司  作者:海明威  页数:185  




Book One
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Book Two
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Book Three
Chapter 19


版权页:   At the end of the street I saw the cathedral and walked up toward it. The first time I ever saw it I thought the facade was ugly but I liked it now. I went inside. It was dim and dark and the pillars went high up,and there were people praying, and it smelt of incense, and there were some wonderful big windows. I knelt and started to pray and prayed for everybody I thought of, Brett and Mike and Bill and Robert Cohn and myself, and all the bullfighters, separately for the ones I liked, and lumping all the rest, then I prayed for myself again, and while I was praying for myself I found I was getting sleepy, so I prayed that the bullfights would be good, and that it would be a fine fiesta, and that we would get some fishing. I wondered if there was anything else I might pray for, and I thought I would like to have some money, so I prayed that I would make a lot of money, and then I started to think how I would make it, and thinking of making money reminded me of the count, and I started wondering about where he was, and regretting I hadn't seen him since that night in Montmartre, and about something funny Brett told me about him, and as all the time I was kneeling with my forehead on the wood in front of me,and was thinking of myself as praying, I was a little ashamed, and regretted that I was such a rotten Catholic, but realized there was nothing I could do about it, at least for a while, and maybe never, but that anyway it was a grand religion, and I only wished I felt religious and maybe I would the next time; and then I was out in the hot sun on the steps of the cathedral,and the forefinger and the thumb of my right hand were still damp, and I felt them dry in the sun. The sunlight was hot and hard, and I crossed over beside some buildings, and walked back along side-streets to the hotel.






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用户评论 (总计47条)


  •   这本书的作者是我比较喜欢的作家,海明威,迷惘的一代,反战情绪比较浓厚。
  •   名著哦,自然不错,英文版的,有一定基础就不难,遗憾的是字小了点,可能是为了降低成本吧。
  •   这是世界名著!
  •   冲着是名著买的,马上要读完了,看不太懂,感觉描述的都是一些琐碎的事情,可能是自己的人生阅历不够吧,理解不了作者想要传达的东西。
  •   美国文学课指定小说之一,看完了很震撼
  •   生词量不会多,适合高中生阅读,世界文学经典
  •   这个是全英文版的,老公送给我了。
  •   英文原著,还没开始看。
  •   没有多余的包装,朴实但内容丰富,最重要的是忠实于原著!
  •   文学经典,印刷不太好,排版比较密总体来说对得起这个价格
  •   书很便宜,印刷也不错,希望对英语有帮助
  •   又买了一本海明威的作品!
  •   这都是经典中的经典,必须要看哦!
  •   这本书还没看完,很有正能量的书
  •   很薄很小的一本书,字也不大,不过也挺清晰的。这么薄不知道内容是否有删减
  •   海明威的经典,应该不错,还没细看
  •   非常棒的书籍,很喜欢的,
  •   还没有读 想着去读 应该很好
  •   适合随身携带 很袖珍 摸着还舒服
  •   正品,已经买了三本了
  •   质量不错,喜欢海明威,一定好好看
  •   书质量不错, 是未删减版本的, 孩子看起来有些难度, 不过应该是不错的。但是感觉字太密了, 最好每页的两旁留点空间,可以随手写备注等等。 配货速度也很快, 慢慢享受。
  •   买来屯着,慢慢看
  •   书还可以,不过我觉得有些贵
  •   还没看呢,不过觉得是一本不错的书!
  •   都说HEMINGWAY是用词最精简的那个,恕我肤浅,没读出来,因为封面上写了故事情节。。。我后边都不想看下去了。心不够静的缘故。而且封面上写到性啥的,带回家被家人看到后被误会。。书的内容等我读完了再说。
  •   还没开始看,但是拿在手中感觉很好。性价比很高!
  •   书的质量不错 发货速度!
  •   很精彩,就是书上全是字,要是有些留白就好了
  •   喜欢,没的说!
  •   书本又小又薄
  •   看這本書的人 一定要有一定的英語基礎!否則很難懂! 書是仰慕已久!
  •   书的质量很好,需要认真研究和精读。
  •   很喜欢,个人认为不错的书
  •   印刷的字有点小,总体还是很好地
  •   书本质量好,内容好,值得一买
  •   很小的书,方便携带,内容很好,很精致
  •   对词汇扩容效率较高。
  •   几本书质量都不错,还是挺好的
  •   English 太渣了
  •   应该读一读海明威的书所以买了
  •   听同事说很好看,但还没有时间看。
  •   书收到了,买了这一系列的书,希望读读原版可以提高我的英文水平
  •   这本书我之前想买英文版的,结果在书店买错了,只买到中文版的。现在买一本纯英文版的。正好看不懂的时候可以对照着看。
  •   书还没有看,书是1/32的,小小的,字也比较小。我建议书最少为1/16的,那样看起来才比较有感觉。
  •   买了看了就值了。。。
  •   纸张印刷不好

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