出版时间:2010-1 出版社:中国出版集团,中国对外翻译出版公司 作者:李立新 编 页数:319
突破六级并不难,关键要过词汇关。众所周知,熟练掌握大纲要求的词汇是顺利通过六级考试的基石,所以选择一本最有效的词汇参考书至关重要。对于备考六级的同学来说,大纲和真题是最权威的复习资料。真题除了用来熟悉出题思路,提高解题技巧之外,还是记单词的经典蓝本,因为真题几乎涵盖了所有大纲词汇,而且重点突出了高频词汇,所以在真题中记单词使得备考更有针对性。此外,把单词放在真题语境中,记单词就会更高效。因此读真题记单词无疑是一种非常有效的方法。 本书具备以下特色: 一、涵盖历年真题词汇,注释精准重点突出 本书收录了2005—2009年的大学英语六级考试真题。所有词条的选择和注释都既严格按照大纲的要求,又考虑到考生的需求。所注词条包括真题中所有疑难词汇和词组,以及读-W常用搭配,而且重点高频单词、词组在不同的篇章重复出现,便于读者巩固记忆。 本书的注释不求全面,但求精准、重点突出。每个单词和词组先列出在对应的真题语境中的意义,随后是常用义项。考生掌握后就能轻松应对六级考试中的熟词生义、一词多义现象。附加的选项词汇注释更是为读者扫清了解题时的一切障碍。 二、全面扩充核心词汇,囊括同义反义同根词组 笔者根据大纲的要求,考虑到实战需要,根据各类词汇的不同特点,对核心词汇进行了全面扩充,附有常用的同义词、反义词、同根词及词组,方便考生通过联想扩大词汇量。 三、在语境中记单词,从容应对新六级 虽然新六级不再有词汇题,但词汇测试渗透到了每个题型中,而且大纲要求更加注重在语篇中综合运用词汇的能力,这从2006年新六级真题的仔细阅读、改错以及翻译题中可见一斑。只有在真题语境中记住的单词和词组才可以灵活运用,才可以在考试中以不变应万变。 愿此书伴您走向成功!
Reading Comprehension2005.122006.62006.122006.12(新题型)2007.62007.122008.62008.122009.62009.12Vocabulary2005.122006.62006.12Error Correction2005.122006.62006.122006.12(新题型)Chlze2007.62007.122008.62008.122009.62009.12
To Galbraith, materialism had gone mad and would breed discontent Through advertising, companies conditioned consumers to buy things they didn’t really want or need. Because so much spending was artificial, it would be unfulfilling. Meanwhile, government spending that would make everyone better off was being cut down because people instinctively-and wrongly- labeled government only as "a necessary evil." Its often said that only the rich are getting ahead; everyone else is standing still or falling behind. Well, there are many undeserving rich—— overpaid chief executives, for instance. But over any meaningful period, most peoples incomes are increasing. From 1995 to 2004, inflation-adjusted average family income rose 14.3 percent, to $43,200. People feel "squeezed" because their rising incomes often don’t satisfy their rising wants for bigger homes, more health care, more education, and faster Internet connections. The other great frustration is that it has not eliminated insecurity. People regard job stability as part of their standard of living. As corporate layoffs increased, that part has eroded. More workers fear they’ve become "the disposable American," as Louis Uchitelle puts it in his book by the same name. Because so much previous suffering and social conflict stemmed from poverty, the arrival of widespread affluence suggested utopian (乌托邦式的) possibilities. Up to a point, affluence succeeds. There is much less physical misery than before. People are better off. Unfortunately, affluence also creates new complaints and contradictions. Advanced societies need economic growth to satisfy the multiplying wants of their citizens. But the quest for growth lets loose new anxieties and economic conflicts that disturb the social order. Affluence liberates the individual, promising that everyone can choose a unique way to self- fulfillment. But the promise is so crtravagant that it predestines many disappointments and sometimes inspire,; choices that have anti-social consequences including family breakdown and obesity (肥胖症). Statistical indicators of happiness have not risen with incomes. Should we be surprised? Not really. Weve simply reaffirmed an old truth: the pursuit of affluence does not always end with happiness.