
出版时间:2009-5  出版社:中国对外翻译出版公司  作者:奥斯汀  页数:284  


  一部文学史是人类从童真走向成熟的发展史,是一个个文学大师用如椽巨笔记载的人类的心灵史,也是承载人类良知与情感反思的思想史。阅读这些传世的文学名著就是在阅读最鲜活生动的历史,就是在与大师们做跨越时空的思想交流与情感交流,它会使一代代的读者获得心灵的滋养与巨大的审美满足。  中国对外翻译出版公司以中外语言学习和中外文化交流为自己的出版方向,向广大读者提供既能提升语言能力,又能滋养心灵的精神大餐是我们的一贯宗旨。尽管随着网络技术和数字出版的发展,读者获得这些作品的途径更加便捷,但是,一本本装帧精美、墨香四溢的图书仍是读书人的最爱。  “熟读唐诗三百首,不会做诗也会吟”,汉语学习如此,外语学习尤其如此。要想彻底学好一种语言,必须有大量的阅读。这不仅可以熟能生巧地掌握其语言技能,也可了解一种语言所承载的独特文化。“中译经典文库?世界文学名著(英语原著版)”便是这样一套必将使读者受益终生的读物。




(Sense and Sensibility, 1811),《傲慢与偏见》(Pride and Prejudice,
1813),《曼斯菲尔德庄园》(Mansfield Park, 1814),《爱玛》(Emma,
1815),《诺桑觉寺》(Northanger Abbey, 1818, 死后出版),以及《劝导》(Persuasion, 1818,


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50


  The reasons for this alteration were at the same time related, and theywere such as to make further entreaty on his side impossible. His concernhowever was very apparent; and after expressing it with earnestness,he added in the same low voice, "But, Marianne, the horse is still yours,though you cannot use it now. I shall keep it only till you can claim it.When you leave Barton to form your own establishment in a more lastinghome, Queen Mab shall receive you."  This was all overheard by Miss Dashwood; and in the whole of thesentence, in his manner of pronouncing it, and in his addressing her sisterby her Christian name alone, she instantly saw an intimacy so decided, ameaning so direct, as marked a perfect agreement between them. Fromthat moment she doubted not of their being engaged to each other; and thebelief of it created no other surprise than that she, or any of their friends,should be left by tempers so frank to discover it by accident.  Margaret related something to her the next day which placed this matterin a still clearer light. Willoughby had spent the preceding evening withthem, and Margaret, by being left some time in the parlour with only himand Marianne, had had opportunity for observations, which, with a mostimportant face, she communicated to her elder sister when they were nextby themselves.  "Oh! Elinor," she cried, "I have such a secret to tell you aboutMarianne. I am sure she will be married to Mr. Willoughby very soon."  "You have said so," replied Elinor, "almost everyday since they firstmet on High-church Down; and they had not known each other a week, Ibelieve, before you were certain that Marianne wore his picture round herneck; but it turned out to be only the miniature of our great uncle."  "But indeed this is quite another thing. I am sure they will be marriedvery soon, for he has got a lock of her hair."  "Take care, Margaret. It may be only the hair of some great uncle ofhis."  "But indeed, Elinor, it is Mariannes. I am almost sure it is, for I sawhim cut it off. Last night after tea, when you and mamma went out of theroom, they were whispering and talking together as fast as could be, andhe seemed to be begging something of her, and presently he took up herscissors and cut off a long lock of her hair, for it was all tumbled down herback; and he kissed it, and folded it up in a piece of white paper, and put itinto his pocketbook."




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  •   英文版的,收到后感觉不错,读原汁原味英文是一种享受,同一系列买了好几本英文原版,好好研读,充实我的生活,提高英文水平。简奥斯汀的作品都买齐了,好好研读,感觉就像简在给我讲个故事一样,一个个美丽的爱情故事,喜欢简,更喜欢她对纯洁爱情的坚守和追求,好伟大独立的女性。
  •   穿越时代,搜寻幸福的真谛。理智与情感支配着生存和生活,人是个复杂的综合体,理智让我们更冷静观察这个世界,情感让我们更温柔地拥抱这个世界。
  •   理智与情感 书本挺小巧 外国名著 全英版 对英语学习很有帮助
  •   奥斯汀三部曲之一,其他两本也都买了,很好!
  •   很喜欢 Jane Austen 喜欢她的讽刺
  •   我刚看过BBC 2008年拍的电影,埃丽诺与妹妹玛丽安经历波折,最后都得到了各自的爱情,真是有情人终成眷属。看过后我颇为欣喜,对于这本全英文的,我特别期待,希望从字里行间能读出那种幸福的滋味!
  •   曾经读过删改版的,这次读原版,原著要更好~
  •   很喜欢简奥斯汀的作品 真的值得一看
  •   我极其喜欢次数,小巧的原版,值这个价,这个书系我都很喜欢,英文原版~~简奥斯汀的作品女生必看,励志的典范,英文原版还不是特别难~
  •   没看过这部作品, 不过看看简介觉得还是不错的, 希望不要失望~~~
  •   实惠便宜印刷质量好原著读的很顺心
  •   很好 就是字有点小 书有点小
  •   书还不错,就是字小了点
  •   超级好的,这本书。
  •   平装本,已经不错了,印刷也还好,值得推荐。
  •   还不错 英文版的
  •   高二高三的学生可以读
  •   很好 系列读本少不了的书籍之一 书也没有什么破损 还不错
  •   对的起这个价格...
  •   还可以,跟想象的差不多,厚度也和价格很相配
  •   简洁,价钱便宜,实惠。期待要看
  •   内容不错,发货速度也挺快,给个好评
  •   不错。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。
  •   书不错哦,纸张也还可以,而且拿着很方便!
  •   英文全文,装订好,字迹清晰。
  •   质量很好,当当搞活动买的狠划算
  •   排版略紧。字号还好,内页纸张是黄色 不刺眼
  •   很小巧,板式也ok,配一本中文版刚好~
  •   还没有读过呢,看起来不错,读过再细评。
  •   简 奥斯汀的作品风格一如既往,和《傲慢与偏见》同属经典
  •   这个故事有了出乎意料的喜剧效果
  •   和傲慢与偏见类似,也是写的姐妹间的故事。理性的姐姐和感性的妹妹,擦出许多火花。的确感情用事是不明智的,但一味压抑自己也会很累。读完后让人思考,该如何平衡两者。 书质量不错
  •   字太小了,眼花!
  •   印刷质量合格,小尺寸很方便携带。
  •   书还是不错的,就是稍微小了点,字很密。。。。加上是英文,看起来眼晕
  •   商品的质量不错,但是事先没沟通好,书是英文的
  •   没有想象中那么厚
  •   看着不错,只是看一眼内容就想去见周公。。。
  •   纸张,包装都一般般哦老板,颤抖的好评
  •   挺好看的,不过有些段落有些绕
  •   还没开始读,但感觉还可以
  •   书纸不错,翻译的很好
  •   字太小,累瞎我的双眼~~
  •   书的质感不错,就是字太小了,看着有点吃力额
  •   这个价位的书,感觉很值啊,已经期待好久这本书了。希望会比电影有不一样的体会
  •   价格这么优惠对字体不能太苛求了
  •   书的字好小,有点密集。不过便宜
  •   虽还没看, 但翻了下纸质还在可以接受的范围内
  •   没想象的好 能接受
  •   中国对外翻译出版公司的这个版本印刷装帧一般啦。
  •   还可以,内容挺赞的,但是就是字小,不过这个价钱已经很不错了
  •   除了只值7,8元的价,此书从印刷,装订,纸张,排版方面毫无优点可言。

    对比的基础是同时买的15元的Pride & Prejudice(Wordsworth Classics),和英国原版相比较,相形见拙。不介意再生纸印刷,Wordsworth Classics系列英文原著15元的价格,绝对值得购买和收藏。
  •   排版这样,眼睛看着很不舒服 痛...

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