
出版时间:2009-4  出版社:中国对外翻译出版公司  作者:《上海世博》杂志编辑部 编  页数:149  


The emblem for Expo 2010 Shanghai China: inspiredby the shape of calligraphic creation of the Chinese character "世" (meaning "the world"), the emblem projectsthe image of three persons, you, I and he/she, throwingarms around each other. It symbolizes the big family ofmankind in harmony and happiness, and conveys the no-tion of the world expositions of "understanding, commu-nication, union and cooperation". It showcases the greatefforts of Expo 2010 Shanghai China to focus on the hu-manistic core.


I.Basic Facts about Expo2010  1. Aim  2. Category  3. Site Selection  4. Duration  5. Ticket InformationII.Theme and Theme Development for Expo 2010  1. Theme and Sub-themes  2. Establishment of Theme  3. Theme Development  4. Contents of the Theme  5. Theme PresentationIII.Emblem of Expo 2010  1. Meaning of the Emblem  2. Birth of the Emblem  IV.Mascot of Expo 2010  1. Meaning of the Mascot  2. Birth of the MascotV.The Organizational Structure of Expo 2010  1. The National Organizing Committee for  the World Exposition Shanghai China 2010  2. The Executive Committee for the World Exposition  Shanghai China 2010  3. Bureau of Shanghai World Expo  CoordinationVI.The International Exhibitions Bureau(BIE)  1. International Exhibitions Convention  and the BIE  2. China and the BIEVII.Site Planning for Expo  1. Compiling of Site Planning  2. Layout of the Expo Site  3. Design of Main BuildingsVIII.Display in Pavilions  1. China Pavilion  2. Theme Pavilions  3. Pavilions of Foreign Countries and  International Organizations  4.Corporate PavilionsIX.Events for expo 2010X.Forus of Expo 2010XI.The Promtion of Expo 2010XII.Urban Best Practiccs Area (UBPA)XIII.World Exposition Shanghai China 2010 OnlineXIV.Transport for Expo XV.Volunteers for Expo 2010




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用户评论 (总计7条)


  •   很不错,当时去了上海的,呵呵!
  •   此书内容丰富,页面质量极佳,是值得珍藏的。
  •   这是一本很不错的书,性价比较高。
  •   内容在多一点就更好了
  •   书印刷很好。。。质量也不错。。。很喜欢。。。但是那个送货的什么态度啊?、!
  •   一般性,不是完全与相关的中文版对应
  •   我当时是为了参加迎世博英语辩论买的,没有任何价值的啊!

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