
出版时间:2003-1  出版社:中国对外翻译出版公司  作者:马红军/毛卓亮主编  页数:311  


《高级英语写作教程》是根据新近颁布的《高 等学校英语专业英语教学大纲》中对学生写作技能的要求而编写的一部写作教程。在总结了多年 写作课教学经验的基础上,马红军和毛卓亮两位教授注意借鉴国外先进的教学理论,并结合中国学生学习英文写作的特点,在一本教材中安排了从段落写作到篇章布局、短文写作和学术论文写作等教学内容,达到了新大纲对英语专业学生英文写作训练的要求。这本教材特色明显,针对性强,是配合新大纲的一本好教材。


1 CHOOSING RIGHT WORDS  1.1 General and Specific Words  1.2 Denotation and Connotation  1.3 Figurative Language  1.4 Levels of Diction  Exercises2 SHAPING EFFECTIVE SENTENCES  2.1 Sentence Variety  2.2 Impressive Sentences  2.3 Sentence Emphasis  2.4 Concise Sentences  Exercises3 UNDERSTANDING PARAGRAPHS  3.1 Paragraph Structure  3.2 Paragraph Unity  3.3 Paragraph Coherence  3.4 Paragraph Development  Exercises4 WRITING DESCRIPTIVE PARAGRAPHS  4.1 About a Person  4.2 About an Object  4.3 About a Place  4.4 More Practice on Description  Student Practice Paragraphs  Exercises  Writing Activities5 WRITING NARRATIVE PARAGRAPHS  5.1 Framework of a Narrative  5.2 About an Experience  5.3 About an Activity  Student Practice Paragraphs  Exercises  Writing Activities6 WRITING OTHER TYPES OF PARAGRAPHS  6.1 Example Paragraph  5.2 Process Paragraph  6.3 Comparison Paragraph  6.4 Cause-Fffect Paragraph  6.5 Definition Praagraph  6.6 Opinion Paragraph  Student Practice Paragraphs  Exercises  Writing Activities7 WRITING BEYOND THE PARAGRAPH  7.1 Thesis statement  7.2 Outline  7.3 Introduction  7.4 Body Paragraphs  7.5 Conclusion  7.6 Revision of First Draft  Student Practice Paragraphs  Exercises  Writing Activities8 WRITING A SUMMARY  8.1 Summarizing Paragraphs  8.2 Summarizing Longer Pieces  Exercises9 WRITING ABOUT LITERATURE  9.1 The Elements of Literature  9.2 Literal Versus Analvtical Reading  9.3 Wrtitng a Literary Interpretation  9.4 Writing a Research Paper  9.5 Format for Documenting Sources  9.6 Eriting Logical Argument  9.7 Quesions Often Asked about Research Papers  Exercises10 WRITING FOR SPECIAL PURPOSESA GLOSSARY OF LITERARY TERMSANSWERS TO SELECTED EXERCISESINDESBIBLIOGRAPHY




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