
出版时间:2012-4-1  出版社:中国大百科全书出版社  作者:李友梅  页数:400  




Introduction China's Social Life Changes from the Perspective of Institution and LifeChapter OneThe Dialectical Relationship between Institution and LifeSection One The Research PerspectiveSection Two Institution Construction Aiming at Disciplining LifeSection Three Institution Cannot Quite Arrange LifeSection Four Constructing a Beneficial Interaction between Institution and LifeChapter Two Analyzing Autonomy with Social TheorySection One The Multiple References of AutonomySection Two The Condition of AutonomySection Three The Paradox of AutonomyChapter Three The Return and Restrictions of AutonomySection One Manifestation of AutonomySection Two The Paradox of AutonomySection Three Surpassing the Dilemma: Proposal of the Philosophy of Harmonious SocietyChapter Four The Structure of the BookPart One Organizing the Society:The State Arrangement for the Structure of LifeChapter One New Institution, New Society, and New IdentificationSection One The Blueprint of Social Reconstruction after the RevolutionSection Two The Finalization of Institution and Generation of New OrdersSection Three Structure and Identity of the Totality SocietyChapter Two Disciplined Social LifeSection One Livelihood within the Logic of Redistribution: Socialist Welfare SystemSection Two Equality and Inequality: Different Representations of Economical-Political-Social StatusSection Three "Movement" Becoming a Part of LifeSection Four Homogenization: The Declination oflndividualitySection Five An Ascetic Way of Consumption and LifeChapter Three The Secret Space of AutonomySection One The Behavioral Strategy of "People of the Working Units" : Hidden Movement of the Informal Network of RelationshipSection Two The Beehive like Structure: Space among the Work UnitsSection Three Change of Identities: The Hidden Class MovementSummaryPart Two The Loosening of "Certainty": Experimental ReformsChapter One Opening up the Gap of "Society of Work Units"Section One Doing All That Has Been Left UndoneSection Two "Loosening" and "Allowing": Prelude of System of "Loosening"Section Three The Overflowing of Free Floating ResourcesChapter Two Minor Adjustment of Class RelationshipSection One Transformation of the Pattern of MigrationSection Two The Tuming Point of the Value of Knowledge: Rising of the Social Status of the IntellectualsSection Three The Rise of the Standard of Career and Wealth: The Miniature of New Social GroupsChapter Three Fanuly Life out of the Shadow of PoliticsSection One Diversification of Family Economy: Reform of Relationship in Rural Families……Part Three The Weakening of Re-distribution System:Generation of AutonomyPart Four Opening and Mobility:Social Lofe in the Context of Market Part Five Harmony:The New Page in Social Construction


  Secondly, carry out the strategy of balance development between the city and countryside to shorten the gap between them. For example, (1) carry out the strategy of new countryside development, and establish mecharusm that insures the stable increase of the peasants' salary; (2) increase the state's investment in agriculture, improve the condition of agriculture production, and effectively lighten the peasants' burdens; (3) pay attention to the protection of the peasants' interesL.  Thirdly, reduce the income gap between different social strata with tax systems. For example, (1) income tax; (2) property tax, including housing tax, vehicle usage tax, and deed tax, etc. ; (3) commodity tax, against the Chinese citizens' irrational involvement in the stock market, stamp tax is introduced; (4) provided financial subsidy for the low income residents.  Fourthly, continuously establish and develop the system of social insurance and assistance. For example to construct the system of lowest life insurance, medical assistant system including rural medical cooperation, social endowment insurance, employment insurance system for the poor, as well as system of educational assistance, housing assistance and judicial aid, etc.  Other measures include: to promote the development of all kinds of charity organizations, encourage the development of social assistant enterprises, reform the income system, enhance investment in public services like education, and intensify reforms in educational systems, etc. All such reforms to a large degree formed a policy framework of welfare penetration, and to some degree improved the middle and lower class's identification to the welfare penetration system.  Two Constructing Core Value Systems Covering More Areas Any society and country has its own core value system, which is the spiritual force and bond of the development of the state and social solidarity. In the political develop- ment of countries in Europe and America, the transformation of system and society began from the edge of traditional value, and it was a gradual process during which the marginal system gradually took the place of the central system. From this sense, trans for- mation from traditional value system to modem value system was the prerequisite for the construction of modem systems. In the same vein, this is also the precondition for the  construction of identification of modern society.  ……




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