出版时间:2012-4 出版社:上海交通大学出版社 作者:马丁 页数:465 字数:651000
The Author's Introduction
The Ontogenesis of Written Genre (with John Rothery) (1981)
Systemic Functional Linguistics and an Undetanding of Written Text
What a Functional Approach to the Writing Task Can Show Teache
about "Good Writing" (with John Rothery) (1986)
Intervening in the Process of Writing Development (1986)
Genre and Literacy: Modeling Context in Educational
In/visible Education: Class, Gender and Pedagogy in Educating Rita
and Dead Poets' Society (with Anne Cranny-Francis) (1994)
Linguistics and the Coumer: The Practice of Theory (1997)
Mentoring Semogenesis: "Genre-based" Literacy Pedagogy (1999)
Grammar Meets Genre: Reflectio on the "Sydney School" (2000)
Designing Literacy Pedagogy: Scaffolding Asymmetries (with David
Rose) (2005)
Metadiscoue: Designing Interaction in Genre-based Literacy
Interacting with Text: The Role of Dialogue in Learning to Read and
Write (with David Rose) (2007)
Genre and Language Learning: A Social Semiotic Pepective
Historical Cosmologies: Epistemology and Axiology in Australian
Secondary School History (with K. Maton &E. Matruglio)
Writing and Genre Studies
The genre-based approach to teaching writing, illustrated above, has had aprofound impact on literacy education in Australia, particularly in primary schooling and in adult ESL and academic literacy programs. As writing is the principal means by which students' academic learning is evaluated, the goal of this methodology has been to provide students with resources to achieve successin formal evaluation. Over the past decade these successes have been extendedinto teaching reading, using carefully designed strategies to support students torecognise language patterns in academic texts, enabling them to read with critical comprehension, and to use these language patterns in their writing. This methodology, known as Reading to Learn. (Rose 2004c, 2005a, 2006b, 2007),approaches reading first from the perspective of genre, then the patterns in which a text's field unfolds through the genre, and finally the wordings with insentences that realise these discourse semantic patterns. The methodology isillustrated here with a lesson in which adult ESL students learn to read a discussion about immigration in Australia, in an academic preparation course.An extract is presented as text(2).The first paragraph presents the issue, the second paragraph presents one position on immigration's impact onemployment, the third presents the author's opposing position. (2)Plus to immigration equation Both before and since the White Australia policy of the 1950s, immigration has been a political hot potato-yet the economic evidence shows immigration has been extremely good for the nation. In spite of the facts, today's econorruc nationalist parties - One Nation, the Australian Democrats, Advance Australia, the Greens and Australia First - espouse poliaes of greatly reduced or zero net migration. They do so for several reasons. The most common argument against allowing migrants in numbers is based on a lopsided view of the impact on Australia's economy. The Advance Australia party wants to call a "halt to all immigration until we have solved our unemployment problems" as if the only impact of migration is to takejobs which nught otherwise be available to unemployed Australians. ……