出版时间:2011-6 出版社:上海交通大学出版社 作者:江志斌等 页数:639
Computer Aided Design
Multi-Pass Progressive Tool Path Planning in 5 - Axis Flank
Milling by PSO Algorithms
A Streetlights Controlling System Based on the Energy-Saving
Hierarchical Model
Application of 2D Barcode in Mobile Commerce
On the Research and Design of Automotive Hinge Production
Logistics System Based on Extensive Flow
Product Feature Usability Analysis Based on Web Semantic
A Knowledge Management System Based on Product Design Stream
Quantitative Analysis of Energy Consumption and Carbon Emissions
for Shop-Floor Using ProModel
Latest Developments in Optimal Computing Budget Allocation for
Simulation Based Optimization
The Application of Modeling and Treatment for Simulation of Human
Heart Beat
Supply Chain Management
Optimizing the Flow of Rubber Latex in the Rubber Glove Supply
Pricing for Fresh Food with Different Quality Levels in Supply
Exploring the Determinants of a Supply Chain Alliance: The
Purchasing Firm's Perspective
A Model of Seasonal Demand Process with Growth Trend
On an Economic Lot Sizing Model Subject to Two Imperfect Key
Production Subsystems
Route Optimization of Stacker Based on Genetic Simulated Annealing
Empty Container Assignment Problem Based on Stochastic Dynamic
Programming Approach
Game Analysis in Empty Containers Collaboration between Shipping
Companies under Uncertain Demand
Modeling of CCM in Shanghai Port Area
Optimal Purchased Quantity for Multiple Products, Multiple
Suppliers under Multiple Discount Schemes and Minimum Purchase
Empirical Research on the Relationship among Competitive
Priorities and Firm Performance Based on OEM Model
Virus Optimization Algorithm for Curve Fitting Problems
Functional Hand Grip Analysis through Biomechanics.. Review
Electromyography Evaluation of Shoulder Muscle Co-activation for
One-handed Handling
Multiscale Entropy Curve Analysis for ECG Signal
Transmission Rate Estimation for Chlamydia Infection among Young
Statistical Modeling and Evaluation of the Survival Data from the
Discharge of Hospital Intensive Care Unit
A Control Study of Modeling Patients Flow Congestion in Urban
China Healthcare System
The Management Methods for Operating Room to Speed up the Turnover
of Operating Table to Reduce the Average Length of Stay
The Complexity Analysis of Postural Sway Signals for Elderly
Fallers and Healthy Young Subjects under Single and Dual-Task
User-Defined Surface Gestures for Mobile Web Browsers
Measuring User Value with a Survey Method: A Case Study Using
Touch Key Design for Mobile Devices: Effect of Touch Key Size and
Touch Technology
Development of Human Factors Design Guidelines for Haptic
Collision Warning Systems
Developing and Validating Methods for Evaluating User Value
Touch & Drag: A Technique for Placing a Cursor on Small Touch
A Literature Survey on User Experience Evaluation Methods
The Effects of Length and Type on the Recognition of Tactile
Characteristics of Recreational-Vehicle Ingress and Egress in
Field Research and Laboratory Experiment by Video Observation
A Method for Analyzing Foot Placement during Moments of Vehicle
Ingress and Egress
Manufacturing Systems & Systems Engineering
FMS Zone Configuration by RF Fingerprint Map in Commercial
Cellular Systems
A Review on the Theory of System of Systems and Its
Practical Facility Layout Technology for Industrial Engineers and
Analysis of Factors Affecting Wayfinding Performance: Review and a
A New Stage in the Development of Industrial Engineering:
Neuro-Industrial Engineering -- Based on the Human-Oriented
Application of Fuzzy Multi-objective Linear Programming with
Outsourcing Cost-effective Analysis for Mold Manufacturing
Study on Remanufacture Based on Customer's Environmental
Application of Regression Analysis to Wafer Probe Mark
RFID-Integrated Real-Time Manufacturing Monitor Based on Complex
Event Processing
An Application of Workflow Oriented Collaborative Manufacturing
Planning and Scheduling
A Novel Heuristic Dynamic Scheduling Algorithm for
Batch-processing Machines with Non-identical Product Sizes
Combining GA with Response Surface Method for Scheduling Unrelated
Parallel Machines with Setup Times
Research on Safety Management for Enterprise Based on Dissipative
Structure Theory
Hybrid Particle Swarm Algorithm for Sloving Batch Scheduling
Problem of Semiconductor Furnace
Storage Allocation and Yard Crane Scheduling in a Maritime
Terminal for Outbound Containers
A Discrete Electromagnetism-like Mechanism for the Permutation
Flowshop Scheduling Problem
Warehouse Layout Optimization Considering Distance and Labor
Factor for Mixed Model Assembly Workshop
Optimization of Software Development Process
A Novel Electromagnetism-like Mechanism Algorithm with Modified
Solis and Wets Local Search for Global Optimization
Optimizing Portfolio Selection Using Harmony Search
Analyzing Process Logic Gaps between Well-Behaved Process
Multi-resource Constrained JSP Under Uncertainty Based on QPSO
Study on the Model of Collaborative Production Scheduling in
Supply Chain Based on Multi-Agent Systems
Job-Shop Scheduling with Multiple Orders per Job
The Impact of Deposit and Production Rate Transition Strategy for
a Production Line with Impatient Customers
Review and Research on Product Service System Design
Model and Algorithm for Energy Saving Production Scheduling
Quality Control and Reliability
Factor Assignment for Three-Level Supersaturated Design
Study on Reliability Growth Research of Discrete Auto
Manufacturing System Based on Gompertz Model
CCC Chart for Asymmetric Quality Characteristic in High Yield
An Evolved Prediction Method of Gearbox Life Based on Ant Colony
Neural Network
Accuracy Analysis of the Estimated Process Incapability Index with
Multiple Samples
A Systematic Approach to the Effective Implementation of Quality
Systems with A Full Illustrative Example
A Quality Management Methodology and Its Application Based on
Marketing Demands
Using Multivariate Quality Control Chart with Variable Sampling
Interval for SMT Manufacturing
A Study on Real-Time Maintenance Scheduling for Improving
Manufacturing Systems' Profitability and Productivity
The Alternative Approach in Airport Performance Evaluation. An
Empirical Application to the Cross-Strait Airports
Service Engineering
The Calculation of Inventory Turnover in Retail Services- Based on
Improved Neural Network
An Evaluation Scheme for Product-Service System Models
s-Scape., a Service Prototype Testing Space for Innovation of
Service Quality Improvement
A Three-Phase Approach to Service Staff Assignment for MRO
OR Projects for Service Innovation of Home Center Chain Stores in
A Conceptual Model for Configurable Services Using Ontology: A
Case Study for "Building Solution" Services
An Integrated Plan of Production and Preventive Maintenance under
Reliability Constraint