
出版时间:2010-9  出版社:上海交通大学出版社  作者:邵帅 主编  页数:175  


本教程旨在通过教师课上指导、学生课下自主学习的方式拓宽学生视野、培养他们的终生学习能力。全教程由基础篇、进阶篇、提高篇、高阶篇和精阶篇五册组成,每册十个单元。每单元设计一个主题的形式,单元中各模块的设计符合学生的阅读规律,如阅读知识面拓展、技巧训练、能力培养、实战演练和兴趣开发。练习题型的设计主要是帮助学生阅读过程中猜测生词词义、预测文章内容,运用“相互关联”(Interactive)阅读模式,将“用法”(Usage)与“运用”(Use)有机地结合。同时,为适应CET 4/6考试要求,增加了快速阅读和细读(In-depth reading)真题训练,达到“学”以致“用”的目的。    本教程适用于本、专科学生,也可作为英语学习爱好者的案头读物。


Unit One  Fame  Part One  Infatuation with Fame  Part Two  Fame: We All Want It  Part Three  Flash Fame  Part Four  A Hero  Part Five  The Culture of Chinese Family NameUnit Two  Successful People  Part One  In Search of the Real Bill Gate  Part Two  Queen Elizabeth II: Life as Queen  Part Three  What Successful People Have in Common  Part Four  Princess Diana's Call for a Ban on Landmine  Part Five  Poem AppreciationUnit Three  The Disability  Part One  Doug Heir  Part Two  The Battle for Care that's Pulling Families Apart  Part Three  Campaign  Part Four  Welfare Reform  Part Five  Three Days to SeeUnitFour  Information Age  Part One  Information Age  Part Two  Using the Information Age to Gain an Advantage  Part Three  Vital Skills that You Need in This Information Age  Part Four  What We Should Learn about Computer  Part Five  What Is G Mobile Phone?Unit Five  Interpersonal Relationship  Part One  Friends, Good Friends--and Such Good Friend  Part Two  How to Be Popular and Bui!d Yourself a Ready Network  of Friends for Life!  Part Three  How and Why to Find New Friend  Part Four  What We Can Get from Social Support  Part Five  Gifts in Chinese CultureUnit Six  Social Problem  Part One  Honesty in Busines  Part Two  Academic Corruption  Part Three  Doing Business in Asia  Part Four  Office Politic  Part Five  The Translations of Some Chinese Idiom  NatureNurture  Part One  Cheaper by the Dozen  Part Two  Nature & Nurture  Part Three  How Parents Can Support Gifted Children  Part Four  Asian American  Part Five  Two Ancient Chinese Stories about EducationUnit Eight  Where to, Women?  Part One  Gender Discrimination in the Workplace in the U  Part Two  Super Morns Return to the Workplace  Part Three  Traits of Women Entrepreneur  Part Four  Michelle Obama's Mission  Part Five  Women in the Ancient Chinese Culture  Having Fun  Part One  The Disney Park, Children' s Paradise  Part Two  The Child's Right to Play  Part Three  Helicopter Morns vs. Free-Range Kid  Part Four  Toy  Part Five  Hong Kong DisneylandUnit Ten  EQ  Part One  How High Is Your EQ?  Part Two  Never Too Old to Live Your Dream  Part Three  Six Secrets of High-Energy People  Part Four  The Meaning of Happines  Part Five  What Is the Difference between EQ and IQKey



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