
出版时间:2011-1  出版社:上海交通大学出版社  作者:杨成虎  页数:281  


此书是国内第一部系统研究语法转喻的著作。作者在全面总结国内外修辞转喻、概念转喻以及语法转喻研究的基础上,提出了三角模型来统一解释英、汉、俄等语言中的语法转喻现象,认为语法转喻是由相互作用的形式结构、概念结构和逻辑结构构成,概念结构里转喻始源域和目标域映射的可塑性认知操作调节着形式结构和逻辑结构之间的语义矛盾,由此来说明形式结构的简约性和句义的丰富性;同时,对概念结构中始源域产生的语境以及形式结构中成分配置的制约等问题也作了系统的论述。此书是对认知语法理论的深入探索,对语法研究中的一些难点问题进行了新的解释,对语法研究者具有参考价值。    本书适合语言学研究人员(包括硕士生和博士生)阅读。




Chapter 1  Introduction / 1  1.1  Preamble  /  1  1.2  Rationale and research questions  /  7  1.3  Research scope and methodology  /  17  1.4  Organization of the book  /  21Chapter 2  Literature Review  / 23  2.1  Conceptual metonymy  /  23    2.1.1  Traditional view of metonymy  /  23    2.1.2  Cognitive view of metonymy  /  33  2.2  Structuralist views of grammatical metonymy  /  53  2.3  Cognitivist views of grammatical metonymy  /  60    2.3.1  Langacker's research  /  60    2.3.2  Croft's research  /  68    2.3.3  Waltereit's and Warren's researches  /  73    2.3.4  Panther and Thornburg's research  /  78    2.3.5  Ruiz de Mendoza and his collaborators'researches  /  89  2.4  Shen Jiaxuan's and other Chinese scholars'researches  /  104  2.5  Other relevant researches  /  108    2.5.1  Functional linguists' view of grammatical metaphor  /  108    2.5.2  Grammaticalizationists' researches  /  109  2.6  Summary  /  110Chapter 3 A Triangular Model / 113  3.1  Refining the definitions of grammatical metonymy  /  113    3.1.1  The existing definitions and their limitations  /  113    3.1.2  The notion of grammatical structure in grammatical metonymy  /  116    3.1.3  A refined definition  /  118  3.2  A triangular model  /  121    3.2.1  The model  /  122    3.2.2  The links of A,BandC  /  128  3.3  Grammatical interrelations in grammatical metonymy  /  138    3.3.1  Traditional grammatical relation  /  138    3.3.2  Grammatical interrelations  /  139    3.3.3  Analyzing grammatical metonymy with grammatical interrelations  /  141  3.4  Summary  /  156Chapter 4 Extralinguistic Conditions for Grammatical Metonymy / 158  4.1  The emergence of extralinguistic conditions  /  158    4.1.1  Social and cultural conditions  /  159    4.1.2  Source domains as emergent  /  160  4.2  Categorical levels of source domains  /  166    4.2.1  Explicit categorical levels of source domains  /  166    4.2.2  Implicit categorical levels of source domains  /  173    4.2.3  Partially implicit lower levels of source domains  /  183  4.3  Source domains inferred from explicit target domains  /  187    4.3.1  The cases in proverbs and sayings  /  188    4.3.2  The cases in contextually made sentences  /  196  4.4  Summary  /  206chapter 5 Intrallngulstic Constraints on Grammatical MetonymY / 208  5.1  The constraints of intralinguistic contexts  /  208    5.1.1  General grammatical constraints  /  208    5.1.2  Specific grammatical constraints in English,Chinese and Russian  /  214  5.2  Syntactic constraints  /  216    5.2.1  The SV structure  /  217    5.2.2  The SVO structure  /  231    5.2.3  Head phrases  /  247  5.3  Morphological constraints  /  253    5.3.1  Verbalization in the source domain  /  254    5.3.2  Pluralization in the source domain  /  256  5.4  Summary  /  259Chapter 6 Conclusions / 261  6.1  Major findings  /  261  6.2  Implications  /  264  6.3  Suggestions for further research  /  266Bibliography / 269Postscript / 279





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