
出版时间:2010-7  出版社:上海交通大学出版社  作者:郭凤高,檀传兵 编  页数:125  


  完形填空是高考必考题型,是考查学生多种语言能力的综合性测试,也是学生感到最难把握的题型之一。它的测试目的不仅仅是在语篇中考查语法,更重要的是考查学生对语篇意义理解的连贯性和运用语言的准确性。做好完形填空题,不仅要充分理解上下文,还需结合语境,准确、恰当地选词,体会作者用词的巧妙。  为了从根本上弥补平时学习中对完形填空题训练的不足,也为了使用上的方便,经过数月的精心策划,我们编写了这本《高中英语完形填空分级专练(高中二年级)》。本书分为18个单元,是一本帮助学生自检自测、难度适中的教辅书。  与同类其他教辅书相比,本书具有以下特色:  经典材料。妙趣横生  本书阅读材料取材广泛,内容新颖独特,信息量大,内容和句式结构与真题风格一致。文章体裁多样,有叙述文、说明文、议论文、新闻报道等等;题材丰富,有故事、社会生活、社会现象、科学技术等等。既有学生熟悉的内容,也有跨文化题材;既向高考选篇靠拢,又不局限于此。精彩的阅读材料不但能增强读者的学习兴趣,丰富百科知识,还能帮助读者提高运用词句、阅读理解和写作的能力。试题难易搭配合理在选材上我们既考虑到适应高考,以《新课标》为指南,又考虑到学生解题需要遵循“循序渐进”的原则,每篇阅读文章前都标有“词数”、“难度”(★为难度最低级,★★★★★为难度最高级)、“建议用时”和“实际用时”,选材注重“生活化、情景化”的特点,让学生觉得这些选材时代气息、生活气息浓郁,与自己贴近,因此做起题来感觉得心应手,在轻松愉快的氛围中掌握方法,提高能力。  、讲解精练、准确、到位针对答案的选择方法,我们一改同类教辅书讲解不到位的弊端,以引导读者采用正确的方法为出发点,把答案的讲解同选择的方法结合起来,在解析中采用“推知、推理、联系、判断、验证”的方法,将最新的解题理念运用到实际问题中,因此我们的讲解不仅仅让读者明白为什么选这个答案,更主要的是让读者学会以后遇到类似问题时该采用什么样的方法。  本书是一本实用性很强的助学备考用书。尽管我们做了很大的努力,但由于客观条件所限,书中难免有不足之处,敬请广大读者批评指正。




  Unit 1  Unit 2  Unit 3   Unit 4   Unit 5   Unit 6   Unit 7   Unit 8   Unit 9   Unit 10   Unit 11   Unit 12   Unit 13   Unit 14   Unit 15   Unit 16   Unit 17   Unit 18


  Children often have more sense than their elders. This simple truth was proved ratherdramatically during a civil defence exercise in a small town in Canada. Most of the people in thetown were asked to take part in the exercise during which they had to pretend that their cityhad been 1 . Air-raid warnings were 2 and thousands of people went into special airraid shelters. Doctors and nurses remained above ground while police went around the streets 3 anyone tried to leave the shelters too soon.  The police did not have much to do because the citizens took the exercise seriously. They 4 underground for twenty minutes and waited for the warnings to sound again. Onleaving the air-raid shelters, they saw that doctors and nurses were busy. A great manypeople had volunteered to 5 the persons who were injured or dead. Theatrical make-upand artificial blood had been used to make the injuries look 6 . A lot of people were lying"dead"in the streets. The living helped to carry the dead and wounded to special stations.  A child of six was 7 by two adults. The child 8 to be dead. With theatrical make-up on his face, he looked as if he had died of shock. Some people were so moved by the 9that they began to cry. However, the child suddenly sat up and a doctor asked him to commenthis death. The child looked around for a moment and said, "I think they are all crazy !"





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