出版时间:2010-9 出版社:上海交通大学出版社 作者:尹素清 主编 页数:122
中学英语教学大纲要求学生具备听、说、读、写、译五项技能,其中听力在高考试题中占据30分,可见其在英语学习中的重要性。本套丛书是由充分研究近几年高考命题的专家及教学第一线的骨干教师对长期积累的素材进行筛选、加工编写而成的典型的听力材料。入选的素材题材丰富、内容新颖、联系情景、注重实练。在多年的研究与教学中,笔者根据多年的教学经验,结合历年的高考听力试题,总结出一套行之有效的方法,为莘莘学子开辟了一条最新的行之有效的提高听力的学习之路。并将此套训练方法融入到本套丛书的编写之中。本套丛书具有以下特色:★直面听力考点。训练应试技巧针对平时听力训练的难点,渗透式训练,使学生在提高听力水平的基础上提高应试能力。Short Conversations中设置的练习,包括数字、时间、简单推理、人物关系及身份、地点场所、计划建议等,使学生在集中训练中掌握答题规律,提高听力技巧;Passages包括议论、说明、科普、新闻、叙事等文章;Longer Conversations包括各种类型的话题,听对话捕捉细节。★真题模拟互补。理论实际结合结合历年的真题以及各类模拟题,照顾各个知识点。编写上难易兼顾,循序渐进,举一反三,模仿性强,便于学生在尽可能短的时间里迅速掌握知识和解题思路。★知识性、实用性、系统性强它既有自己独具匠心的特色,又区别于目前市场上发行的各类听力练习,适合全国范围的中学生学习使用。最后,在本书的编写过程中得到了上海交通大学出版社各位资深编辑的帮助,是他们高效、务实的工作作风和严谨的工作态度使得本书得以保质保量并按时与广大读者见面。由于时间仓促,以及水平有限,本书难免有错误和不足之处,希望得到教育同仁和广大学生朋友的不吝赐教。您的意见及建议请直接发往本人信箱:,以便本书再版时进行更正和完善。谢谢!
Unit 1Unit 2Unit 3Unit 4Unit 5Unit 6Unit 7Unit 8 Unit 9Unit 10Unit 11Unit 12Unit 13Unit 14Unit 15Unit 16Unit 17Unit 18Unit 19TapescriptsKeys
插图:Today let's meet some of the world's best-known couples. They are as inspiring as theyare famous. As co-founder of Microsoft, Bill Gates is famous for his wealth. But he and hiswife, Melinda, are steadily becoming just as well-known for their generosity. In 2000, thecouple founded the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, now the world's largest charityorganization, which focuses on improving health and education worldwide. Up to now, thecouple has donated more than $ 30 billion to the foundation.King Bhumibol and his wife got married in 1950. Highly respected throughout thecountry, the couple is Thailand's most beloved public figures. Sharing a common goal toserve the people of Thailand has brought the couple even closer together. They also share aspecial burden for Thailand' s poor people. Bhumibol uses his personal wealth to funddevelopment projects. Similarly, his wife is well loved for her work with the Thai Red Cross.Before they married in 2001, Andre and Steffi were mainly famous for their remarkabletennis skills. But today, they' re becoming well-known for their efforts on behalf of childrenand the environment. The Andre Charitable Foundation has raised more than $ 60 million forrecreational and educational programs for children in the US. Meanwhile, Steffi has spokenout on environmental issues in her role as an official ambassador for the World Wildlife Fund.