出版时间:2010-7 出版社:上海交通大学出版社 作者:徐启富 编 页数:121
完形填空(CloZe)又叫综合填空,是测试英语综合运用语言能力的一种题型,广泛应用于各级各类考试中。完形填空也是学生在考试中心理压力最大、最容易失分的题型。做好完形填空题不仅要具有阅读理解的能力,驾驭语法结构的能力,辨析词义的能力,而且还要具有较强的逻辑思维、分析和判断能力.同时对各类词法、句法、上下文逻辑关系、语义搭配以及写作技巧等还需具有较强的运用能力。 《初中英语完形填空分级专练》汇集英语界知名教学专家、一线资深教师、教辅编写权威等,共同深入而系统地分析了中学英语教师、学生和考试的现状,精心设计,精心选材,精心编写,采用主题选材、难度分级等编排形式,全力帮助学生有效突破完形填空难关,提高考试成绩。 本书设计特点: 主题选材根据国家课程标准对七年级学生的学习要求,按照文化习俗、人物故事等11个主题,每个主题精选国内外最新的10篇文章,图文并茂,让学生的英文与时代同步,与《课标》同行!
In the end, Ding won the game by 9 : 5. He came from far 6 the other player to win. "I didn't feel the stress because I just looked at it 7 a practice game," said Ding. "I 8 learn from the other players." Ding began to play snooker at eight and a half years old. Soon, 9 could win the game withhim in his hometown in Jiangsu. Ding loved playing so much 10 he decided to spend all his timeplaying it. When Ding began to play in big games, he was just 136 cm, even 11 than a cue. Ding doesn't talk much and he hasn't many outside 12 , either. He says he doesn'twant anyone to win the game with him at snooker. He went to Britain with his family 13 he was 16. He can 14 with the world'sbest players there. He practices many hours a day. "Every game is so 15 for me. I have to think a lot before I win. That's why I enjoysnooker so much," he said.
读交大之星 圆名校之梦