
出版时间:2010-1  出版社:上海交通大学出版社  作者:口译教学与测试研究中心 编  页数:218  


  近年,基础口译资格证书考试得到了长足的发展,越来越为社会关注,越来越多的考生,尤其是高中生和大学新生,参加了该项考试或正在积极备考。作为口译教师,我们逐渐意识到,同样是口译学习,基础口译与其他口译类别的学习目标和方法还是有差异的,其对语言的要求和针对性也有别于其他课程,但由于基础口译还是口译课程中的新生儿,所以学习者可获得的专门学习材料还比较稀缺,相应难度的教学支持更少。课堂教学之余,我们意识到,有必要在课堂之外为学习者提供更丰富的基础口译学习平台。  基础口译考试的最大的一个特点是考试本身只考验口语口译和听力这两种能力。但在实际课堂教学中,我们发现,口译作为最终语言输出的过程是有相当难度的,要做好口译,对语言的理解能力至关重要。而如今,很多就读基础口译课程的学生尽管能顺畅地进行口语交流,却还是流于生活对话层面,一旦所听到的信息涉及日常生活之外的历史、政治、经济、外交等问题时,很多人就暴露出理解困难的问题;另一方面,很多学生在听的过程中,往往只捕捉到零碎的词汇,对英语句子整体结构却没什么感觉,这必定会对口译有很大的影响。究其原因,还是学生的信息积累不够充分,很多口译内容已经超出他们的生活空间。为了向基础口译学习者提供一些适当的补充素材,专为学习者设计一本可以丰富他们口译积累的书的设想应运而生,于是便有了这本以基础口译难度为标准的阅读教程。  从某种程度上讲,这本书并不专为考试本身编写,而更多着眼于通过阅读这一基本的输入方式,在句法和理解上为口译做些书面准备。可以毫不夸张地说,本书既适合基础口译考生做考试预备工作,也适合初三升学、高中及大学一、二年级的学生提高英语阅读能力,增加词汇。这也是为什么我们在编纂过程中,从词汇到句法,均安排了各种难度的解析和练习。  本书的体例和目录以话题划分,内容涉及生活中的教育、环境这些日常话题,以及经济、政治等宏观话题。全书共分十五单元,每单元围绕一定话题,各含三篇文章。每单元开头是对三篇文章的概述,引导读者对单元内容有一个大致的了解。每单元第一、二篇文章是精读文章,除了理解主旨,还要分析难句,每篇配以丰富的练习。


  《昂立英语口译丛书:基础口译阅读教程》以话题划分为15个单元,内容涉及教育、环境这些日常话题,以及经济、政治等宏观话题。每单元围绕一定话题,各含三篇文章。第一、二篇文章是精读文章,要求理解主旨,分析难句,每篇配以丰富的练习。第三篇文章是该话题之下的泛读文章,难度高于前两篇,供学习者选用。  《昂立英语口译丛书:基础口译阅读教程》可供准备基础口译考试的考生夯实基础,力求使考生在使用《基础口译阅读教程》后在英语应用水平上有较大的飞跃,能更好地应对口译和口语的实践与测试。同时,《昂立英语口译丛书:基础口译阅读教程》也可作相应水平学习者的教材。


  前言  Unit 1 Education  导读 Introduction  Passage 1 Experiences and Opinions o{ College Life  Passage 2 Parents VS Children  Passage 3 American Educational System    Unit 2 Work and Life  导读 Introduction  Passage 1 Offiee Polities  Passage 2 Does Privacy Matter?  Passage 3 Volunteering    Unit 3 Traffic and Accidents  导读 Introduction  Passage 1 Narrow Escape  Passage 2 Diana Dies in Paris Car Wreck  Passage 3 Too Much Tra{{ic    Unit 4 Humanity and Environments  导读 Introduction  Passage 1 Yangtze River Dolphin's 17th Birthday  Passage 2 Green Packaging  Passage 3 The Ocean in Trouble    Unit 5 Social Problems  导读 Introduction  Passage 1 Volunteers Contribute to Poverty Relief  Passage 2 Gender Imbalance Grows  Passage 3 Supporting the Elderly    Unit 6 Progress of Science and Technology  导读 Introduction  Passage 1 Talking with Your Computer  Passage 2 Search for 2nd Earth  Passage 3 Take a Peek at the Future    Unit 7 Sanitation and Health  导读 Introduction  Passage 1 Is Your Diet Destroying the Environment?  Passage 2 TV-Viewing-Is It Damaging Your Child?  Passage 3 Some Myths about Physical Fitness    Unit 8 Sports  导读 Introduction  Passage 1 Who Invented That Sport?  Passage 2 Football Violence  Passage 3 The Greatest-Muhammad Ali    Unit 9 City and Countryside  导读 Introduction  Passage 1 A Belgian Couple Tour China by Bicycle  Passage 2 City Life and Country Life  Passage 3 Food Tour of the United States    Unit 10 Culture and History  导读 Introduction  Passage 1 New Year's Day  Passage 2 Culture Shock  Passage 3 Christmas under Fire    Unit 11 Travel and Sightseeing  导读 Introduction  Passage 1 How to Travel the World for Free  Passage 2 How to Beat Jet Lag  Passage 3 Green Travel    Unit 12 Entertainment and Mass Media  导读 Introduction  Passage t No Drama Please, We're British  Passage 2 The Influence of TV  Passage 3 It's Netbook Age    Unit 13 Business and Negotiations  导读 Introduction  Passage 1 Business Presentation Tips  Passage 2 Planning and How to Negotiate  Passage 3 China Business Negotiation: 11 Useful Tips    Unit 14 Trade and Investment  导读 Introduction  Passage 1 Changing World Markets  Passage 2 How to Succeed in Business  Passage 3 The Stock Market    Unit 15 Economy and Development  导读 Introduction  Passage 1 The Business of America  Passage 2 What Does a Million Dollars Buy  Passage 3 Do We Really Need an MBA?  参考文献


  The world's only artificially-fed Yangtze dolphin celebrated its 17th birthday in Wuhan with a special offering of his favorite fish.  Qiqi, the dolphin, was caught by fishermen near the mouth of Dongting Lake on the Yangtze River on January 12, 1980, and was sent to the Wuhan Institute of Biology in Hubei Province. The date was then chosen as his birthday. He was 1.47 meters long and weighed 36.5 kilograms, and he was estimated to be about two years old.By 1986, he had grown to over two meters in length and weighed 125 kilograms. Since then, his length and weight have remained the same.  Qiqi lives a single life. He has three meals a day of over 10 kilograms of fresh fish. He has received daily training and has participated in scientific experiments of various kinds.  Researchers make regular health checks on him every month.If abnormal indicatorsappear,theresearchersaddvitamins,traceelements,antibioticsor nutritional medicines to his fresh fish. Between April and July last year, Qiqi contracted a serious life threatening liver trauma and hyperglycemia. The institute quickly invited experts from the United States, Hong Kong and Taiwan to help save Qiqi. Guided by experts from No.2 Hospital attached to Hubei Medical Sciences University,theresearchers applied a drip method of stomach lavage to treat him, and Qiqi recovered after 100 days of treatment.  The Yangtze River dolphin inhabits the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. It is one of China's most prized species after the giant panda, and it is also one of the world's most endangered species, with less than 100 remaining. Since 1978, the Chinese government has spent 40 million yuan (US $ 5 million) on the protection and study of the Yangtze River dolphin.


  《昂立英语口译丛书:基础口译阅读教程》特色:遵循口译学习规律,体现口译教学最新成果  为学生打下扎实口译基础  昂立口译“梦之队”之名师倾力打造  连续十届蝉联机构考生口译考试通过率第一。



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