
出版时间:2009-9  出版社:上海交大  作者:李冬梅 编  页数:332  字数:397000  


  《外贸英语口语》是由上海交通大学出版社组织申报,劳动部“职业导向、就业优先、工学结合、双证融通”专业课程改革与教材改革的研究与实践子课题研究成果之一,也是福建省精品课程《外贸英语口语》的建设成果之一。  本教材注意到了在打好语言功底的基础上加强培养学生的商务特别是涉外经贸活动的能力。教材力求突破传统教材存在的一些问题,注意听与说的有机结合。书中的听力和对话都是取材于真实的商务活动场景,按照工作过程安排教学内容,让学生有身临其境之感,在课堂里就能亲身体验将来实际工作中可能遇到的场景。教材以外贸活动的各个实践环节为每课主题,每课均由听力练习、情景会话、交替口译练习、词汇和外贸商务知识五个部分组成,按时间先后记述了参加出口商品交易会、客户发展、外贸谈判等商务活动的各个环节,在章节编排外还充分考虑学习者的认知特点,着重就商务谈判的各个环节进行分解讲解与练习,涵盖了外贸谈判中外国买家与我方涉外工作人员磋商所可能涉及的各个细节。本书取材全面、内容新颖、语言规范、表达流畅,此外还聘请外国专家录制了配套有声资料(可邮购),使读者可以边听边学,既便于进行听说训练又能提高外贸商务知识。本书可作为高等职业院校涉外经贸、商务英语、应用英语、外企管理等专业的外贸英语口语教材,也适用于外贸行业的涉外工作人员自学以及商务英语口语职业资格证书考试。  本教材由黎明职业大学外语系李冬梅副教授主编,由黎明职业大学12位教师共同完成。具体分工如下:1、3单元由李冬梅、杨德权编写;2单元由李冬梅、陈黎莉编写;4、5单元由李冬梅、郑志明编写;6单元由李冬梅、陶嫣姹编写;7、8、16单元由李冬梅、欧阳江涯编写;9、10单元由李冬梅、童敏君编写;11单元由李冬梅、林志坚编写;12、13单元由王强、李冬梅编写;14单元由陈伟强、李冬梅编写;15、17单元由姚丽梅、李冬梅编写;18单元由李冬梅、魏恩文编写。  由于缺乏经验且时间仓促,本书定有不少疏漏和不妥之处,敬请广大读者批评指正。




Unit 1 Choosing Target MarketUnit 2 Marketing StrategiesUnit 3 Promotions and Advertisements  Unit 4 International ExhibitionUnit 5 Contact the CustomersUnit 6 Recreation ActivitiesUnit 7 A Formal Visit  Unit 8 Visiting A FactoryUnit 9 Enquiries and OffersUnit 10 Price  Unit 11 SpecificationsUnit 12 Packin9  Unit 13 PaymentUnit 14 InsuranceUnit 15 ShipmentUnit 16 Conclusion of BusinessUnit 17 ClaimsUnit 18 AgencyReference Book


  Payment Process of International Trade  Since the basic purpose of international trade is for the exporter to get paid as invoiced andthe importer to obtain the merchandise as ordered, the payment process must satisfy bothparties. To achieve these purposes, two aspects must be recognized: critical factors affecting thepayment process and methods of payment.  The nature of the merchandise, the business relationship between importer and exporter,and the possible risk involved in the shipment of the merchandise are critical factors affecting thepayment process. The nature of the merchandise determines the prices and terms of payment.Business relationship between importer and exporter determines the confidence level of bothsides! therefore, they influence the payment methods.  Ideally, international traders should recognize both the conceptual and practical aspects of the payment process. The payment process basically involves multiple relationships between the exporter and importer, their respective banks, national regulations, and international agreements. In case of acceptance financing, the investor comes into play, since the banker's acceptance would affect trade-financing methods. There are several commonly used methods of payment that require different payment processes in international trade. They are payment in advance, open account, consignment, collection, and letter of credit.



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