
出版时间:2009-9  出版社:上海交通大学出版社  作者:鲁瑛  页数:178  


  随着我国改革开放的迅猛发展,科学技术的不断进步,学习英语已成为人人所需,也是社会所需。尤其是对在校大学生来说,更是责无旁贷。学好英语必须从口语开始,这已成为社会共识。  《校园实用英语口语》(Campus Practical Oral English)是为有志于提高自己英语口语水平的读者而编写的一本英语口语教材。  本书共有20个主题,内容涉及学生学习和生活的各个方面。每个主题由五个部分组成:(1)单词与短语,(2)对话,(3)短文,(4)相关讨论的主题,(5)有关谚语和警句。主题与主题之间前后连贯,也可以单独使用。书后配有相应主题的单词、短语与常用句型,使用非常方便。  本教材的教学目的主要是通过实用的对话和短文操练,提高学习者英语口语表达能力。书中的对话和短文紧密联系学生的思想、学习和生活实际,所设语言情景都是学生日常接触、亲身经历或非常熟悉的话题,情景逼真、生动,用语浅显、句子简短,便于学习、模仿、掌握和运用,使学生在学习后能用英语介绍自己或与其他同学交流自己在工作、学习、生活中的感想、收获和体会,还能运用英语参与讨论社会事件,使学生真正达到学以致用的目的。  它具有以下特点:  1.课文主题与年轻人的思想、生活、学习紧密相关,题材广泛,都是年轻人感兴趣且乐于交谈的话题,不会使学生产生任何压力且有助于他们产生用英语进行口头交际的强烈愿望。  2.每个话题都围绕各自的主题展开训练,但各话题间又不失内在的联系。从范文学习,到相关话题操练,使同学们有一个“学一练一会”的过程。  3.本教程各个模块的内容都是围绕以学生为中心精心设计的,力求最大限度地调动学生参与课堂讨论、对话或辩论的积极性,改变口语课教师自己讲、学生听的陈旧教学模式,变学生被动学习为主动学习,也可以用作学生课后业余时间进行交流、对话与讨论的辅助教材,使学生在“学中练,练中学”,达到学以致用的目的。  4.全书内容贴近学生生活,话题从进校到毕业展开讨论,并配有图片,聚知识性、系统性、趣味性于一体,具有广泛的应用性和实用价值。它既适合普通高校学生,更适合以应用型、技能型人才为培养目标的高职高专类学生,还适合于水平不一的英语自学者。




Topic 1 Self-introduction New Words and Expressions Dialogue Passage Related Topics for Discussion or Talk Proverbs Topic 2 Campus Area and Environment New Words and Expressions Dialogue Passage Related Topics for Discussion or Talk Proverbs Topic 3 College Life New Words and Expressions Dialogue PassageRelated Topics for Discussion or TalkProverbsTopic 4 My DreamNew Words and ExpressionsDialoguePassageRelated Topics for Discussion or TalkProverbsTopic 5 How to Study English WellNew Words and ExpressionsDialoguePassageRelated Topics for Discussion or TalkProverbsTopic 6 My HobbiesNew Words and ExpressionsDialoguePassageRelated Topics for Discussion or TalkProverbsTopic 7 Our BedroomNew Words and ExpressionsDialoguePassageRelated Topics for Discussion or TalkProverbsTopic 8 Our College LibraryNew Words and ExpressionsDialoguePassageRelated Topics for Discussion or TalkProverbsTopic 9 Food in Our Dining HallNew Words and Expression DialoguePassageRelated Topics for Discussion or TalkProverbsTopic 10 My Favorite SportsNew Words and ExpressionsDialoguePassageRelated Topics for Discussion or TalkProverbsTopic 11 My Favorite SubjectNew Words and ExpressionsDialoguePassageRelated Topics for Discussion or TalkProverbsTopic 12 My Best TeacherNew Words and ExpressionsDialoguePassageRelated Topics for Discussion or TalkProverbsTopic 13 FriendshipNew Words and ExpressionsDialoguePassageRelated Topics for Discussion or TalkProverbsTopic 14 Weather and SeasonsNew Words and ExpressionsDialogue……Topic 15 Talking About TimeTopic 16 Talking About the InternetTopic 17 College Recreation ActivitiesTopic 18 ExaminationsTopic 19 A Suitable JobTopic 20 Love and MarriageAppendices参考文献


  Maths is a subject that develops our thoughts.Theres a saying in Maths called "All roads lead up toRome. " One maths problem may have many ways of sol-ving it. Those ways are just like paths through themountains. Some are straight and short. That is to saythey are easy to get the right answer. And others arelong and curving like snakes. They are very difficult tounderstand. If you could find the straight and short onesyou can get to your goal in no time. Otherwise, you mayget lost in the mountains.  Another reason I like maths is that I think maths isfun. Some of you may disagree with me. You may say,"Are you nuts? I dont think maths is fun at all. Itsnothing but a subject with numbers that drive people cra-zy. " That may be true. But if you look at maths in an-other way, then you may change your mind. Just think ofevery maths problem as a piece of ancient artwork doneby Picasso! When you are working on the problem, itsjust like trying to understand what that piece of artworkmeans. Isnt it fun when you can understand it while oth-ers cannot?



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