出版时间:2009-9 出版社:上海交通大学出版社 作者:张曦,林玫 主编 页数:192
《上海市英语中高级口译岗位资格证书》考试是“紧缺人才培训工程”的项目之一,其宗旨是为上海、长三角地区和全国其他省市考核和遴选复合型英语口译人才。自1995开考以来,已进入第15个年头。其间,考试规模不断扩大,累计参考人数已达32万多人次;考试地区逐步外延,已从最初的上海扩展到南京、苏州、无锡、南通、扬州、青岛、烟台、深圳、武汉、杭州、宁波、南昌等地。目前,该项考试已成为具有重要全国影响的外语培训考试项目,该考试的资格证书,也成为外资、合资企业,乃至国有大中型企业招聘人才的重要依据。 参加英语中级口译考试,取得其资格证书,除了要参加相应的培训项目,认真学习教材之外,还需要辅之必要的练习,特别是在复习迎考阶段,进行一定量有针对性的练习,更能够巩固学习知识点,理清复习脉络,掌握解题技巧,提高考试成绩。 为了满足广大参加《英语中级口译岗位资格证书》考试的读者的迫切需要,我们约请上海数家著名培训学校的资深老师编写了这套《英语中级口译岗位资格证书考试练习》丛书。本套从书具有以下三个特点: 第一,按照题型,分门别类。针对《英语中级口译岗位资格证书》考试的题型,本套丛书分为四本,分别为《阅读300题》、《翻译300题》、《听力300题》和《口译和口语300题》。考生可以针对自己的弱项,强化专项练习,从而提高四个方面的技能,在考试中取得满意的成绩。 第二,题精量大,针对性强。本套丛书中的练习题既包蕴了以往历届考试题的历史轨迹;又反映了近年来乃至今后考试题的命题趋势。丛书的作者均为长期工作在培训第一线的明星教师,对于考试的要求、考生的弱点、考题的规律了然于胸,题目的选取极具针对性。通过练习,考生将在听、说、读、写、译五个方面都得到明显的提高。 第三,与时俱进,时新实用。本套丛书的材料基本选自近期英语国家主流媒体的时文,结合考试实际,设计相应练习。所有练习题均附参考答案,方便读者自测自查。《翻译300题》一书还在附录中分类列出政治、经济、文化、科学等方面的词汇,具有相当的实用价值。 《阅读300篇》由王欣主编。全书分政治、经济、社会、自然、科技、文化等板块,所有练习配答案和简解。在此感谢王国栋、纪家举、顾辉、范劲松、边琳、林玫的鼎力相助。 《翻译300题》由张曦主编。全书由英译汉和汉译英各150篇组成,分别包括政治外交、经济金融、自然科学、经典散文、名家演说等部分,使读者可以有的放矢、专项突破。本书特别要感谢丁汉清、陈琳、李龙帅、杨丹、林玫、王欣所付出的努力。 《听力300题》由林玫和张曦主编,全书分成听写、短句、段落、听译四大部分。本书编写过程中得到曹志东、肖翰、刘彦星、张辉、李龙帅、杨丹的鼎力支持,在此表示感谢。 《口语和口译300题》由杨丹主编。本书收录了300个英语口译、口语段落,涉及经济工业、教育科技、文化社会、政策规划、环保卫生等领域,同时增添了最新的时事方面的内容。本书编写过程中,包含着张曦、王早早、王亦舟、宋可如、刘锦凤的辛劳,在此致谢。
本书为“紧缺人才培训工程教学系列丛书”之一,由具有丰富教学经验的教师精心选材,依照中级口译岗位资格证书考试的实战要求,共分听写、句子、段落、翻译4类题型强化训练,目的是帮助读者熟悉题型,有针对性地练习。书末附全部练习答案,并附MP3。 本书可供参加中级口译考试的考生复习、练习使用。
第一部分 分类练习 Part A Spot Dictation Answer Key Part B Statements Answer Key Part C Talks and Conversations Answer Key Part D Listening and Translation Answer Key第二部分 听力材料 Part A Spot Dictation Part B Statements Part C Talks and Conversation Part D Listening and Translation
Passage 6 Like American Indians and Orientals, Eskimos are part of the Mongoloid race. Their skin is thecolor of copper. They have straight black hair, dark eyes, high cheekbones. The Eskimos live in the far north, where the temperature can sometimes drop as low as 60degrees below zero Fahrenheit. Some Eskimos used to live in houses that are called igloos. Igloo isthe Eskimo word for house and it can be made of many different things. For example, igloos that aremade of Sod, or soil that is mixed with grass and roots are also referred to as innies. When Eskimosbuild a sod house, they first cut a deep hole in the permafrost, the layer of earth that is frozenforever and then line the hole. An Eskimo goes into the sod house through a long, low undergroundtunnel. The inside of all innies is the same. The whole family eats and sleeps on this platform.Sometimes there is a table and another platform to hold supplies. Another type of igloo is the snow igloo. It is used only by hunters when they are in the far northand need shelter for a short period of time. A circle of fifteen snow blocks forms the bottom row.Then more rows of smaller blocks are placed on top of these. A hole is left at the top of the snowigloo to let air in and out and loose snow is spread over the outside to keep out the cold and wind.The tunnel that serves as the entrance is lower than the igloo floor and the outside end of the tunnelis covered with an animal skin, so that the cold air cannot get in. During the summer, many Eskimos live in tents, which at one time were made of caribou skin,but now are made of canvas.Passage 7 Generally speaking there are two different types of supermarket Shoppers. those who aresystematic and those who are unsystematic. Systematic shoppers are organized. They usually shopfrom a market list. They know exactly what they need to buy. They go directly to the right sectionwithout hesitation. They usually follow the same path when they shop. They might begin on, oneside of the supermarket, get everything they need from all of the wall sections and then go up anddown the aisles one by one. Among the systematic shoppers, there are the fast shoppers and slow shoppers. Fast shoppersdo not really enjoy shopping. They want to get in and get out of the supermarket as quickly aspossible. They don’t pay attention to anything except what is on their shopping lists. Slow shoppersenjoy shopping. They walk up and down the aisles, compare prices, look for items on sale, andchoose carefully. Systematic shoppers often go on the same day of the week (every Saturday, for example), andfollow the same path or pattern through the market each time. Unsystematic shoppers are notorganized. They usually do not have a plan for shopping or a market list to shop from. If they needsomething from the market, like some milk, they go to buy it, without thinking carefully aboutother things they need.
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