出版时间:2009-6 出版社:上海交通大学出版社 作者:裘正铨 主编 页数:151
本书是根据新的《大学英语课程教学要求》及大学英语四级考试新大纲的要求所编写,本书的编写旨在帮助准备参加大学英语四级考试的学生对四级考试中部分题型的考点、难点有更为透彻的了解,因而能更具针对性和有效性地备考,做到事半功倍,顺利通过考试。 本书的编写针对大学英语四级考试中的3种题型:完形填空、翻译(汉译英)及综合改错。在编写过程将这3种题型分为三部分:解题指导、实例分析、强化训练习题及答案。 本书的编写力求为备考的学生量身打造。如翻译部分,既介绍了四级考试中常考的语法结构和句型,还提供了大纲中常用的词语和习惯搭配。考生一书在手,还能起到背诵词汇之功能。完形填空和综合改错部分的编写从命题思路到解题技巧都有较为详尽的介绍,并配以覆盖各考点、难点的习题作强化训练。做好完形填空和综合改错不仅要求考生拥有相当量的语法和词汇知识,而且还需要有较强的阅读能力。因此,翻译部分提供的大纲中常用的词语和习惯搭配也有助于考生更好地做好这两部分的练习。同样,通过完形填空和综合改错的强化训练,考生在语法、词汇、句子结构乃至篇章理解上都有长足的进步时,做翻译题就不会感觉困难,游刃有余。因此,本书编写的各部分可谓相得益彰。 本书书中附有答案,可供考生自评之用。答案没有给出详细的解析,目的是让学生不依赖现成的解析。学生可以重温每部分编写的内容,借助参考答案,开动脑筋,积极思考,做到知其然,也知其所以然,真正达到练有所获,学有所获。 本书编写的内容也难免会有不足之处或错误,谨请广大读者和同学们不吝赐教。
本书介绍了大学英语4级考试的主观题型,即改错、完形和翻译的解题方法,并总结了考点及解题技巧;在此基础上,精心设计了强化训练题目,帮助读者实战练习,取得事半功倍的效果。 书后附全部练习答案。
改错 解题指导 题型范例分析 强化训练完形填空 解题指导 题型范例分析 强化训练翻译 解题指导 题型范例分析 强化训练参考答案
Americans are careful about how and when they meet one another’s eyes.In their normal conversion,each eye connect lasts only about a second before one or both individuals look back.When two Americans look searchingly into each other’s eyes,emotions are heightened and there lationship becomes more intimate.Therefore,they carefully avoid this,except for in appropriate circumstances. Proper street behavior in the United States inquires a nice balance of attention and in attention~You are supposed to look at a passer-by just enough to show that you are aware his presenc-If you look too little,you appear arrogate or secretive;too much and you are curious.Usually what happens is that people eye each other after they are about eight feet apart,atthat point both cast down their eyes.In England the polite listener stares at the speaker searchingly and blinks his eyes occasionally as a sign of interest.That eye-blink says nothing to Americans,they expect the listener to nod or to murmur something——such as“inm-hum”. Americans abroad sometimes find local eye behavior hard to interpret.Such complaints can often be heard:“People there were disturbed.Theystare at me on the street;they look me up and down.I kept wandering if 1was uncombed or unzipped.”They don’t know that people in some places think nothing of staring at others on the street. 10 The disease afflicting(使某人苦恼)Western societies have under gone dramatic changes.In the cause of a century,SO many mass killers have vanished that two-thirds of all deaths are now associated the diseases of old age.Those who die young are more often than not the victims of incidents,violence and suicide. These changes in public health are generally equated with progress an dare attributed to more or better medical care.In fact,there is no evidence of any indirect relation between changing disease patterns and the so-called progress of medicine. The importance of medical services to change life expectancy and the significant of much contemporary clinical care in the curing of disease are all obvious,well-documented and well repressed. Neither the proportion of doctors in a population,or the clinical tools at their disposal。nor the number of hospital beds,is causal factors in the striking changes in overall patterns of disease.The new techniques available to recognize and treat such conditions as hypertension,or correcting congenital(先天性的)malformations by surgery interventions,increase our understanding of disease but do not reduce its incidence.