出版时间:2009-3 出版社:上海交通大学出版社 作者:叶红卫 编 页数:179
从2005年开始,大学英语四、六级考试进行了一次较大规模的改革,引起了社会各界的广泛关注。改革后的考试在计分方式、考试要求、题型设置、分值分配等各个环节都较前有了较大的改变。广大考生由于对考试信息缺乏了解,在备考过程中往往具有一定的盲目性,缺乏针对性的训练,为了帮助广大考生更好地应对改革后的各种新题型,破解四、六级考试过程中的种种难题,本书编委会几位长期奋战在四、六级培训第一线的教师,合力编写了这套四、六级备考丛书。通过对改革后几次考试的深入研究分析,结合培训课堂的第一手经验,力图给广大考生提供最为可靠、最为实用的备考指导。 本书的内容主要包括: 一、快速阅读 详细介绍了快速阅读的考试要求、题型特点,并结合5次考试真题,对快速阅读的命题趋势作了非常精准的分析,对快速阅读技巧、快速定位技巧以及高分策略都有详细的介绍,最后提供了12篇模拟练习题并提供了详细的解析。 二、仔细阅读 (一)多项选择 主要介绍仔细阅读部分的SectionB部分,即传统的多项选择题。多项选择题是四级考试阅读中每次必考的题型,但是改革后的仔细阅读由原来的4篇文章改为2篇,难度也有所提高。作者对近几次考试真题进行了解题示例,并对5种常见题型作了详细介绍,最后提供了24篇模拟练习题,并提供了详细的解析。
第一部分 快速阅读 第一章 快速阅读 第一节 题型分析 第二节 快读技巧 第三节 真题示例 第四节 高分技巧 第五节 模拟练习第二部分 仔细阅读 第二章 多项选择 第一节 题型分析 第二节 解题思路 第三节 真题示例 第四节 高分技巧 第五节 模拟练习 第三章 选词填空 第一节 题型分析 第二节 解题思路 第三节 真题示例 第四节 高分技巧 第五节 模拟练习
Perhaps the most interesting thing about the phenomenon of taboo behavior is how it can change over the years within the same society,how certain behavior and attitudes once considered taboo can become perfectly acceptable and natural at another point in time.Topics such as death,for example,were once considered SO upsetting and unpleasant that it was a taboo to even talk about them.Now with the publication of important books such as On Death and Dying to Saying Goodbye,people have become more aware of the importance of expressing feelings about death and,as a result,are more willing to talk about this taboo subj ect. One of the newest taboos in American society is the topic of fat.Unlike many other taboos,fat is a topic that Americans talk about constantly.It’S not taboo to talk about fat;it'S taboo to be fat.The“in”look is thin,not fat.In the work world,most companies prefer youthful looking.trim executives to sell their image as well as their products to the public.The thin look is associated with youth,vigor,and success.The fat person,on the other hand。is thought of as lazy and lacking in energy,self-discipline,and selfrespect.After all。people think,how can people who care about themselves,and therefore the way thev 100k,permit themselves to become fat?In an imageconscious society like the U.S.,thin iS“in”,fat iS“out”. It’s not surprising,then,that millions of Americans have become obsessed with staying slim and“in shape”.The pursuit of a youthful physical appearance is not,however,the sole reason for American’s obsession with diet and exercise.Recent research has shown the critical importance of diet and exercise for personal health.As in rflost technologically develoDed nations,the life style of North Americans has.changed dramatically during the course of the last century.Modern machines do all the physical labor that people were once forced to do by hand.Cars and buses transport US quickly from point to point.As a result of inactivity and disuse,people’s bodies can easily become weak and vulnerable to disease.In an effort to avoid such a fate,millions of Americans are spending m,ore of their time exercising.The effect of this new appreciation of exercise is evident:parks are filled with joggers and bicyclists,physical education programs are enjoying a newly found presUge and many companies are providing special exercise facilities for their employees to use during the work day.