
出版时间:2009-09-01  出版社:上海交通大学出版社  作者:陈仲利,李德荣 编  页数:176  


  ◆结构严谨 精细实用  本教材以培养学生英语综合应用能力(use English in an all—round way)和学习能力(1earn tolearn)为目的,前后按照由浅入深、循序渐进的原则,系统而连贯地设计完成,篇章纵横结合、相得益彰,各册互相渗透、融会贯通,形成科学的有机整体。  ◆个性鲜明 针对性强  本教材广泛汲取国内外同类教材的精华,针对高职高专的教学实情,按照《高职高专教育英语课程教学基本要求》设定英语学>J起点和日标,充分体现教育部有关高职高专英语教学改革的精神,真正彰显英语教学个性化风格。  ◆选材广泛 内容鲜活  本教材选材语言规范,场景真实准确,表达地道优美,让学生在浩瀚的知识海洋中,多方汲取营养;内容涉猎文学、政治、科技、经贸、金融、教育、文化、艺术、宗教、娱乐等多个领域,适合不同专业学生的学习需求。  ◆理念新颖 题型多样  本教材体现“lT学结合”的高职高专教育新理念,采用“任务驱动教学法”,让学生在轻松愉悦的氛围中享受英语学习的快乐。练习题型的设计引入国外职、能力教育评估的科学办法,并将之与高职高专英语应用能力考试市几融合,既有利于平时强化提高,又能帮助学牛顺利通过AB级考试。


Unit 1 Page 1 --22Campus Life My First Day in Find Out the  How Can I  Writing: ExpressingCollege Meaning of  Improve my A PearlvalueOf Great Cause and Effect,Words English TranslationUnit 2 Page 23- 44Culture and Should I Let My  Distinguishing School Sports  To Be a Kid Again: Writing: TimeSon Play Computer between Facts and Leisure  My First Volunteer  SequenceRecreation Games? and Opinions  Activities Experience TranslationAbroadUnit 3 Page 45 -- 62Punctuality and  Reading for the Consideration  Interview Etiquette Writing:Social Etiquette Follow Through  Key Ideas in a  for Others - Manners, Meals  ExemplificationsSentence and Interviews  TranslationUnit 4 Page 63 -- 86Writing: Patterns ofFast Food Culture Reading for Chinese Food  America's  Problem SolutionFood Culture is Expanding the Main Ideas Culture  Changing Eating  TranslationWorldwide  in Paragraphs HabitsUnit 5 Page 87 -- 108Writing: ExpressingFestival and A Memorable  Reading for Halloween Working Sequential ActionsCustoms Christmas  Major Details Christmas Day  TranslationReading Writing: IntroductionUnit 6 Page 109 -- 130Romance and The Soldier  between the What Is Love A Gift of Love ParagraphLove Lines TranslationUnit 7 Page 131 -- 154The First Writing: Degrees ofFigure and Dreamers: Hunks  Scanning and Black Berry  CertaintyLegend  of Junk Predicting President Is  Erin's Angels TranslationHereUnit 8 Page 155- 176Spick-and-Span  Writing: Referring toPhilosophy of Trust  Predicting To Tell the Philosophy: Ways DataLife from Subtitles Truth  to Make Cleaning  TranslationMore Fun



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