出版时间:2010-1 出版社:上海交大 作者:李晓红 编 页数:112
最新大学英语四级考试与从前相比,更加侧重学生的语言输入量与速度和语言输出能力,同时淡化了直接测试语法与词汇的概念,从而对考生实际应用语言的能力提出了新的挑战。为了帮助广大考生应对新型的四级考试,本书应运而生。本书的编写严格按照最新《大学英语四级考试大纲》的要求,力求在各方面与大学英语四级考试样卷及真题保持一致。模拟试题的选材均出自国内外的最新文章,考生可以在平时的训练中培养英语语感;对答案的分析透彻到位,帮助考生全面熟悉四级考试新题型,实现考前快速突破。 本书特点归纳如下: 1.本书题目所选材料的难易程度、内容和题材参照历年真题和最新样卷的标准,力求为考生创造一个全真的考试氛围。听力和阅读材料题材多样,考生可以通过这些文章扩大自己各领域的知识和词汇,并积累相关的文化背景知识。事实证明,一定的文化背景对于解题是非常必要的。 2.本书提供了八套模拟题,供考生在考前两个月进行冲刺训练。模拟题的数量不在于多,而在于精。试题解析主次分明,重点介绍解题技巧,帮助考生拓展自己的解题思路,达到举一反三的效果。 3.很多考生对于作文有恐惧感。本模拟题提供的八个作文题目,涉及议论文、图表作文及应用文等,并附有范文,考生可以以范文为蓝本,替换其中的句子,练习用自己的语言表达,到最后实现自己可以独立完成一篇文章。 4.每套模拟题都附赠有详尽的答案解析(见光盘),考生可以在查阅解析的同时,掌握四级考试的重要考点和语言知识点,这样才能使自测达到事半功倍的效果。 本书作者长期从事英语教学与四六级考试培训的工作,有丰富的教学实践、理论研究与测试指导的经验。相信本书会辅助广大考生把握英语四级的语言知识和技能的核心内容,在短时间内掌握成功的奥秘,使英语水平上一个新台阶,取得理想的考试成绩。
Week 1写作热身——不写错句子(1)Week 2写作热身——不写错句子(2)Week 3写作攻略——写好开头段(1)Week 4写作攻略——写好开头段(2)Week 5写作攻略——写好开头段(3)Week 6写作攻略——布局中间段(1)Week 7写作攻略——布局中间段(2)Week 8写作攻略——圆满结尾段(1)Week 9写作攻略——圆满结尾段(2)Week 10预测训练——议论文(1)Week 11预测训练——议论文(2)Week 12预测训练——图表作文Week 13预测训练——应用文Week 14四级翻译的命题分析Week 15四级翻译的技巧攻略Week 16四级翻译的常用语汇储备
Drive the friendly skies. High-way traffic wont go down, so the only way to go is up. Moiler International of Davis, Calif. expects its M400 Skycar to take off and land like a helicopter and travel at 350 mph like an airplane. It would get 15 miles per gallon of fuel and, at $100,000, cost not a great deal more than some luxury automobiles. Veinpriuts. The patterns of veins on the backs of peoples hands are as different as their fingerprints. The University of Pennsylvania has been testing a system, Veincheck, that opens dormitory doors once the back of a hand is scanned. The product, from Englands Neuscience, will likely be used in coming years not just on doors but also on ATMs to help curb the use of stolen bank cards. Dr. Loo. In 1910, at the Pennsylvania Railroad depot in Terre Haute, Ind. , the first paid toilet was installed. It took your money. Now in the works is a high-tech toilet. It will take your temperature. Sensors on the health johnny also will monitor body weight and blood pressure and check the levels of sugar and protein in the urine of kidney disease and diabetes patients. The toilet, from Japanese electronics giant Matsushita, then will transmit the data to a physician. Virtual Gilbert. Virtual reality guru Jaron Lanier is leading a four-campus effort to create "telecubicles", work spaces that can be linked electronically. Cubicle walls become screens onto which distant colleagues are projected, and the workers desk becomes part of a shared worktable across which virtual memos may be passed. Smog cutter. Auto mechanic of the future likely will be raising the hood to look at the "plasmatron". Thats what MIT researchers call a device aimed at dramatically cutting emissions of nitrogen oxide, the main component in smog. Their invention, which is the size of a wine bottle, uses a mix of electronically charged particles, called "plasma", to help turn gasoline into a more efficient fuel, one thats rich in hydrogen. Stiffing thugs. A device being developed in San Diego gives new meaning to the police command "Freeze!" HSV Technologies Inc. says its "phaseal weapen" emits a laser beam that painlessly and harmlessly immobilizes a suspect by causing his muscles to contract. The challenge now is to make the briefcase-size device as small as a handgun. Due date. determined. The AOL smell. Imagine an Italian restaurant ad in which the prospective customer, who is surfing the Net, not only sees the pasta but gets a smell of garlic and oregano. DigiScents of Oakland, Calif, is developing a $ 200 hand-size computer peripheral that emits scents to match onscreen images.
名师名校,打造精品书;精讲精练,架设考试桥。 资深教师执笔,把握考试趋势 每套试卷独立装订,创造全真考试氛围 详尽答题解析,尽在超值光盘 在英国剑桥大学。有一座造型优美的石桥,因为学生在参加考试时要经过该桥,久而久之,这座桥就被称为“考试桥”。本丛书命名为“考试桥”,即是取自这一典故,这里可以理解为“通向考试成功的桥梁”,也可理解为“通过考试这一桥梁。达到拓宽知识、了解世界的目的”。 考试桥丛书 最新大学英语教学和考试改革在强调学习者知识掌握的同时。更加注重应试者的语言应用能力,从而实现语言的真正“习得”与把握。鉴于此,上海交通大学出版社重磅出击,精心设计,全方位、系统地打造“大学英语考试桥”系列。针对不同程度的读者。“考试桥”分为三个子系列,每个系列定位清晰,各有侧重,每位读者都可以在此找到适合自己实际需要的系列。 考前冲刺热身系列 全真模拟训练,快速进入备考状态 模拟题采用全真形式。意在营造考试氛围,使读者熟悉考试形式。 点击真题考点,实时关注考试动向 跟踪历年考试真题,资深教师精析真题考点,使备考更具针对性、预测性。 优化备考策略,应对考试成竹在胸 一线教师精心编写,在为读者夯实语言基础的同时,提供应试策略,使备考事半功倍。