出版时间:2008-8 出版社:上海交通大学出版社 作者:颜静兰,王慧 主编 页数:350
继《英语专业四级考试模拟与解析》和《英语专业八级考试模拟与解析》之后,上海交通大学出版社又集合了强大的作者队伍为英语专业的学生编写出版了另外一套学习辅导用书一“英语专业能力突破系列”。 对于考试和能力之间的关系,社会上,以致在一些专业人士和学生中间存在一些错误的想法。我本人和本系列丛书的编者都认为,在外语学习的过程中,考试不是目的,考试只是测试能力的一种方式,语言能力的提高才是真正的目的。只要具有过硬的语言能力,考遍天下都不怕。上海交通大学出版社先前出版了《英语专业四级考试模拟与解析》和《英语专业八级考试模拟与解析》这两本书,从某种意义上说,这两本书属于应试用书,当然它们不同于市场上的某些应试用书,它们不以传授所谓的应试技巧为主旨,“帮助”学生取巧地通过考试,拿到证书。这两部书更重视的是让学生熟悉考试的题型,通过练习提高语言运用能力,取得更好的考试成绩。所以我认为称这两本书为“备考”用书更为合适。 目前出版的这套“英语专业能力突破系列”丛书,从它的书名即可看出它和考试的距离更远了,它的主旨是针对英语专业学生在学习过程中存在的问题,切实提高他们的语言能力。本系列包括阅读、翻译、写作、语法、听力等多个单项品种,通过指导、练习、讲评和测试等多个环节切实提高学生的语言能力。如果说这套系列丛书和四、八级考试有什么关系的话,那就是在本套系列丛书里我们采用了四、八级考试的题型作为测试学生能力的形式。但整套书的编写思路则毫无疑问超越了单纯的应试辅导用书的编写思路。
第1部分 高级英语词汇训练? 1.1 同义词匹配练习? 1.2 反义词匹配练习? 1.3 同义词反义词混合匹配练习? 1.4 同义词反义词辨析练习? 1.5 词与词义匹配练习? 1.6 根据所给定义选词? 1.7 词汇多项选择练习?第2部分 句子与短文填空训练? 2.1 选词填空释义练习? 2.2 搭配选词填空练习? 2.3 短文选词填空练习? 2.4 短文据意填空练习?第3部分 人文知识训练? 3.1 英语国家概况练习? 3.2 英美文学知识练习? 3.3 英语语言学知识练习?第4部分 短文改错与翻译训练? 4.1 短文改错练习? 4.2 汉译英翻译练习 4.3 英译汉翻译练习第5部分 阅读和写作训练? 5.1 阅读训练练习? 5.2 写作训练练习第6部分 参考答案
people, whether it is a primary language-based activity such asshouting, chatting, lecturing or writing, or a linguistic activity suchas gazing, whistling or even fist fighting, that is often accompaniedby language use. 练习184短文改错练习(4)America has been called a democracy since its independencemore than 200 years ago. However, at that time, only men werepermitted to vote. Only men could own land and practicedmost professions. Women could not get a higher educationand hold public office. Woman's place was considered to be at home.Working women were common. They usually had poor jobs anda little respect. Through the history of our country, many Americanwomen worked to reduce the restriction that society placed on them.They have met opposition. Slowly, however, the opportunities forwomen have increased. Colleges and universities were established forwomen. Later women were admitted to schools originally establishingonly for men.In the early part of the century, America women were finallyallowed to vote. During and since World War Two, American womenhave become a considerate part of the American work force. Today,many women in America hold important positions or are pursuingcareers that they could not pursue in the past. But many women aresatisfied with the current situation. They point out that women areoften paid fewer than men for the same work they do. The top positionin nearly all fields are still overwhelmingly held by men. In manyways, a woman's life is still dominated by their father and husband.练习185短文改错练习(5) The concern of some environmental scientists that the increasinglevel of carbon dioxide in the earth's atmosphere will raise globaltemperatures until the midlatitudinal regions become steamingjungles are open to question. Contending scientists are correct thatthe concentrating of carbon dioxide, due to automobile exhaust, forexample, is increasing. Through the absorption and re-radiation ofinfrared radiation, carbon dioxide does warmer the atmosphere.Unfortunately, indirect effects that these scientists have not.