出版时间:2008-1 出版社:上海交大 作者:成应翠 页数:240
面对琳琅满目的英语辅导图书,如何理性地选择真正有助于提升英语学习水平,增强应试能力的好书呢?我们调查了市场上大量的英语辅导图书,结合他们的优点,广泛收集并系统整理初、高中阶段最常考到的关键性动词和短语,并以教育部初、高中最新课程标准及中、高考考试说明为依据,配合二期教改,编写了《新视窗漫画英语》丛书,共四册:分别是《初中英语核心动词100例》、《高中英语核心动词120例》、《初中英语核心短语240例》、《高中英语核心短语260例》。 本丛书以新的视角审视英语学习和各级考试,减轻学习负担,缓解考试压力,帮助同学们达到学习的最佳效果。这里呈现的核心动词和短语,都是从各类典型试题中精选出来的,尤其适合初中生、高中生阅读。 事实证明,兴趣是最好的老师。一套好的词语图书,须注意词语的结构特点、搭配关系及拓展理解,并力求在枯燥的词语背后挖掘轻松有趣的元素,激发同学们的学习兴趣,从而有效提高英语水平,增强应试实力。
a fewa kind ofa littlea lot of(to) act as(to) add to(to) add upafter all(to) agree toall right(to) allow sb to do sth (to) answer for(to) argue with(to) arrive atas... asas foras ifas many asas soon asat allat largeat the age ofat the beginning ofat the end ofat the front ofat the momentat the same timeat workbe able tobe afraid ofbe angry with sb. be...away frombe busy doingbe carefulbe close tobe deep in sth. be different frombe fond ofbe full fobe going tobe good atbe in dangerbe interested inbe known... asbe known forbe late forbe mad atbe made ofbe made withbe nice tobe opposite tobe pleased withbe / get ready forbe suitable forbe sure ofbe surprised atbe up tobe used forbecause of(to) belong tobetween... and(to) build upbut forby farby halfby oneselfby the timeby thencan't help doing(to) catch a cold(to) catch up with(to) cheer up……