
出版时间:2007-12  出版社:上海交大  作者:本社  页数:133  


With the penetration of economic globalization and widespread use of Information Technology (IT), the service business——especially Knowledge Intensive Business Service (KIBS)——is now becoming the global focus for a new wave of international business transfer. China is well placed, at this historic juncture, to actively participate in international service outsourcing and transform its modes of economic growth and trade expansion.As a strategic priority in China, the outsourcing industry has been actively promoted and supported by a series of government policies in recent years. In January 2009, 20 cities including Beijing were designated as "China Service Outsourcing Demo Cities", taking responsibility for delivering international outsourcing service and promoting China's service outsourcing industry. China, as one of the largest emerging developing countries, has the advantage of ample human resources (HR), well-conditioned infrastructure and a more open market environment. Thus, it has the capability of providing outstanding services to both domestic and international companies. We strongly believe that China's service outsourcing industry will grow rapidly in the near future.


This report is a rewritten and abstracted version from selected chapters of the Chinese edition of the 2008 Report on China's Outsoureing Development.     Deepest gratitude goes to International Data Corporation (IDC) for its efforts on combining the English translations. Great appreciation also goes to these companies: McKinsey & Company, A.T. Kearney, Accenture, Capgemini, IBM, Beyondsoft and iSoftStone among others, for their valuable contri bution on verification, chccking, and proofreading of this report.


Market OverviewEnvironmentTalentIP Protection and Information SecurityArticlesAppendixEditorial Board for the 2008 Report on China's Outsourcing Eevelopment (Chinese Edition)Academic Committee and Expert Group for the 2008 Report on China's Outsourcing Development(Chinese Edition)


插图:Taxation benefit. Suzhou city is viewed as a pilot city.They treat ITO and BPO service outsourcing companies as technology advanced SPs to be entitled for a series of taxation benefits, such as 15% income tax rate, deducting salary expenses and a certain portion of training expenses before income tax calculation, as well as a waiver of business taxes.Financial support. There exist two levels of financial support——nationa level and city level.At the national level, the MOFCOM, together with the MOF and the MIIT, will set up special funding to support service outsourcing companies on talent training, international certification and overseas market development, building public information and technology platform, and protecting intellectual properties.At the city level, local government also takes proactive approaches in offering financial support. Beijing has promised to allocate no less than twice the national special fund; Tianjin has promised to allocate no less than RMB 500 million ever year till 2010; Guangzhou and Jinan agreed to allocate RMB 100 million every year; Xi'an plans to allocate RMB 80 million each year, Chengdu no less than RMB 50 million, and Nanchang no less than RMB 10 million; Wuxi has planed to allocate half of national special funds and in total will spend RMB 1.5 billion in the coming years.






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