出版时间:2007-1 出版社:上海交通大学出版社 作者:裘正铨 编 页数:248 字数:388000
本书由上海师范大学外国语学院英语教学部任课教师根据《全国大学英语四、六级考试改革方案(试用)》和新颁布的样卷编写。全书分应试指导和全真模拟试卷两部分。应试指导凝结教师多年的教学指导心得;模拟题系从多年教学训练中精选、根据新样题编成,每套试题均给出精炼的答题指导,以帮助读者提高应试能力。书后的附录给出听力文字材料。 本书可以供参加大学英语六级的考生作为考前的应试训练,也是英语教师教学的辅导材料。
实用应试诀窍全真模拟试卷 Test 1 Keys and Explanations Test 2 Keys and Explanations Test 3 Keys and Explanations Test 4 Keys and Explanations Test 5 Keys and Explanations Test 6 Keys and Explanations Test 7 Keys and Explanations Test 8 Keys and Explanations Test 9 Keys and Explanations Test 10 Keys and Explanations附录 听力材料
People who work in control towers are called air traffic controllers. They direct themovements of all planes on the ground and in the air by keeping track of them on large radarscreens. Air traffic controllers tell a pilot, by radio, when and where to taxi or pilot theplane down the runway. Electronic equipment is used to guide airplanes. Long range radar is used to keep trackof planes far away from the airport. This radar is called Ground Control Approach (GCA).When the airplane gets within a few miles of the runway, the air traffic controller begins touse Precision Approach Radar (PAR). This allows the controller to guide the airplane towithin 0. 4kin(0. 25mi)of the runway. At that point, the pilot completes the landing.Another electronic aid used in bad weather is the Instrument Landing System (ILS). In this system, radio transmitters located near the runway send guidance signals to the airplane. These signals tell the pilot how to steer the plane for the final approach to the runways.Today, there are also electronic "microwave" landing systems (MLS) that can land the plane fully automatically.
名师名校,打造精品书,精讲精练,架设考试桥 在英国剑桥大学,有一座造型优美的石桥,因为学生在参加考试时要经过该桥,久而久之,这座桥就被称为“考试桥”。本丛书命名为“考试桥”,即是取自这一典故,这里可以理解为“通向考试成功的桥梁”,也可理解为“通过考试这一桥梁,达到拓宽知识、了解世界的目的”。