
出版时间:2006-3  出版社:上海交通大学出版社  作者:伍梦岚  页数:208  字数:172000  


《小学英语口语想说就说》以教育心理学及学习心理学规律为导向,以最新小学英语教材及教学大纲、课程标准、考试说明为依据,为小学生,特别是不愿开口说英语或怯于开口说英语的小学生提高英语口语交际能力而专门设计和编写。    《小学英语口语想说就说》共划分为六大板块:校园生活篇、社会交往篇、日常生活篇、运动休闲篇、询问求助篇、情绪情感篇;每一板块都精心编制若干功能强大的表达作为关键句;每一关键句下延伸、拓展出情景口语、功能概述、琅琅上口、浅释与辨析等栏目……由于贴切涵盖着小学生存日常生活、学习实际中最“想说”而且又易于表达、交流、分享的内容;精心营造着诱发、激励小学生说英语的氛围及环境;巧妙融合疑难语法要点、易错提示等相关知识于各种相关栏目;还配有轻松、幽默、风趣的插图……相信拥有本书的小学生一定能兴趣盎然、轻松高效地学习和提高英语口语交际能力,真正实现英语口语“想说就说”!


校园生活篇  Good morning.  Good afternoon.  Good evening.  Good night.  Goodbye.  My name is.  Nice to meet you.  Thank you very much.  How do you do?  Welcome to our school.  I'm a pupil  How are you?  I’m from Beijing.  I’m in Class SixGrade Three.  l’m in Row Three.  We are interested in Chinese history  Where do you sit?  May I come in?  Can you spell your name,please?  What’S one and two?  I’m good at English.  Do you speak French?  Give me a bookplease.  Colour it green please.  Is everyone here today?  Who’s on duty today?  Maybe he’S at home  This is Mr Green.  This is a pen.  l have a new watch.  I can’S find my pen.  Which bag is yours?  What does this word mean?  You mustn’t play football now.  May I borrow your pen?  How long may I keep the book?  Excuse me,where’S the classroom?  It's your turn to sing.  lt's easy/hard.社会交往篇  What’S your father?  Where do you work?  l can see a bird  How many pears do you want?  What do you like?  HOW do you like it?  This wayplease.  Please have a seat.  Thank you alI the same.  The same to you.  I,m sorry to hear that.  It doesn’t mater.  That’S all right.  Good idea!  Thankgoodness!  What’S wrong?  1 want to be a spots star.  I’m going to do my homework.  What shall I give the teacher for Teachers’Day?  Let me help you.  Give my best wishes to Sam.  Pardon?  I must go now.  Whose desk iS that?  l think so.  Sit down please.  Put them awayplease.  Don’t be late next time.  Do you mind my opening the window7  Can I ask you a question?  Shall we go to the cinema?  Why not have some bananas?  Do you feel like going to see a film?  Would you show them to me,please?  I'd like to draw a picture.  Merry Christmas!  ……日常生活篇运动休闲篇询问求助篇情绪情感篇




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用户评论 (总计3条)


  •   应该是因人而异,但总的说来还不错
  •   这是送给我外甥女的书,但她说质量不好,才听几回,磁带就坏掉了,声音也小.
  •   感觉一般,比较落后了

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