
出版时间:2005-2  出版社:上海交大  作者:翁凤翔 编  页数:142  


  自我国改革开放以来,我国的国际商务活动越来越频繁,国际商务英语因而一直倍受人们重视。一个国家要打开国门对外开放,除其他方面外,必须要有大量的懂国际商务英语的人才,因为对外开放,与国际接轨,通常是在经济、贸易等国际商务领域与他国在互惠互利的基础上进行合作与交易。我国加入世界贸易组织后的几年来,学习商务英语的人数迅猛增加。国际商务英语领域有非常好的市场前景。翁凤翔教授主编的著作正满足了这种市场需求。  翁凤翔先生是我院国际商务/英语副教授,是英国英格兰中央大学商学院客座教授。翁凤翔教授多年来一直从事国际商务及国际商务英语教学与研究,有在商务公司工作的经历,现在还被一些公司聘为国际商务顾问,有丰富的商务英语教学经验和国际商务实践经验,是我院国际商务/国际商务英语的教研骨干。他发表了不少具有较高学术价值的学术论文,此外,还出版了许多国际商务/商务英语方面的著作,这些论文与著作具有鲜明特色并非常实用,倍受读者青睐。  翁凤翔先生在英国英格兰中央大学商学院做访问教授并访问了剑桥大学考试委员会,与英国专家共同研究国际商务英语测试与教学,积累了更新、更丰富的经验。他是国际商务英语注册考官,在国际商务英语考试教学方面深受学生欢迎,在校内外有一定的影响。  国际商务英语首先是英语语言,然后是国际商务知识,要教好国际商务英语,教师必须有很好的英语语言功底和娴熟的国际商务业务知识,翁凤翔教授较好地结合了这两个方面。这种良好的结合使他的教学和科研成果独具特色。今在翁凤翔先生主编的《剑桥商务英语证书高级考试指导》一书出版之际,我向广大读者特别推荐此书,相信该书能让读者收益匪浅。






第一部分 应试指导  1 考生须知  2 BEC高级考试题型与考试指导第二部分 模拟试卷  PAPER 1  PAPER 2  PAPER 3  PAPER 4  PAPER 5  PAPER 6第三部分 附录  1 试卷参考答案  2 试卷听音文字材料


  Small businesses or individuals working alone invented the personal computer, the transistorradio, the photocopying machine, the jet engine, and the instant photograph. Theiringenuity also gave us the pocket calculator, power steering, the automatic transmission, airconditioning, and even the ballpoint pen. Clearly, we are all better off for the presence ofmillions of small businesses. Their resourcefulness and ingenuity have spawned newindustries and contributed a great many innovative ideas and technological breakthroughs.Small businesses create more new jobs than do larger businesses. One study suggested thatsmall businesses may create as many as 66 percent of all new jobs in the United States eachyear. In another study, the U.S. Department of Commerce found that small, young, high-technology businesses created new jobs at a much faster rate than did larger, olderbusinesses. Such small businesses require employees with a high degree of scientific orengineering knowledge and thus generate additional demand for them.New-Business FormationAnother indicator of the importance of small business is the record number of businessesformed each year since 1960. New incorporations hit the 600,000 mark for the first time in1983. This figure is more than four times the total in 1960. Of course, some of the newcorporations are mature businesses that were born as sole proprietorships or partnerships andhave only recently incorporated. Nevertheless, many more small businesses are created eachyear than larger ones.A final reason for small businesses to have such an enormous impact is their contributions tobig business. General Motors, for example, buys from over 25,000 suppliers, most of whomare small businesses.Small businesses can deliver specialized products more efficiently than can larger businesses.Indeed, big businesses buy more of their inputs from small businesses than from other bigbusinesses. Small businesses also play a key role in distributing and selling tl~e products oflarger businesses to consumers.Of all the new businesses that appear each year, many succeed but many also fail. Here wediscuss common reasons for small-businesses success. Many ingredients contribute to small-business success, but some of the most common ones are hard work, drive, and dedicationon the part of the entrepreneur market demand for the product or service being offered~managerial competence, and luck.A key ingredient in the success of any small business is hard work, drive, and dedication onthe part of the entrepreneur. An individual must have a strong desire to work independentlyof others and be willing to work for long hours if she or he is to succeed. In genera[,successful entrepreneurs tend to be reasonable risk-takers, self-confident, hardworking, goalsetters and innovators.



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用户评论 (总计8条)


  •   买的时候没注意里面是不是有模拟题买来一看发现有6套模拟不过听力是做不成了磁带CD都没有前面的应试指导还不错虽然有点老但是触类旁通吧~~还行~
  •   关键是便宜,而且讲了些方法,不错
  •   书还行但是没有磁带,但网上描述说有。所以又退货了。
  •   没认真看···但觉得应该有帮助···就是看上去有点让人看不下去······
  •   书的内容有点老。BEC这种年年更新的考试,这本指导却还是指导的几年前的考试。还且最让我头疼的是这又是一本只有书没听力资料的!不像二三辑的真题,听力还好找一些,这本书本来就不是很火的,让我上哪儿找听力去啊~~不过书中的复习建议和指导方向或多或少还有些作用。
  •   劣势比模拟题简单,优势便宜
  •   这本书是没有配MP3之类的东西。所以在这一方面上,我就觉得它很一般般啦!~
  •   书页破损,纸质很差

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